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The above image is one of the artworks of Salvador Dali

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The above image is one of the artworks of Salvador Dali

A famous surrealist painter, Salvador Dali used hypnagogic imagery as a source of inspiration in his artworks. Hypnagogia occurs between wakefulness and sleep, so he disrupted his sleep to perceive strange images, hence creating a lot of masterpieces.

Hallucinations, twitching, and exploding head syndrome (when a drowsy person hears an exploding sound like a gunshot and might see a sudden flash of light) happened when a person is in a state of hypnagogia. Hypnagogia occurs when some brain regions slowly fall asleep especially at the back part. The occipital lobe, responsible for vision or balance is more active for a bit longer, causing weird sensations or hallucinations. Plus, scientists considered hypnagogia as an altered state of consciousness and it only lasts about ten minutes.

Thus, you don't need weed or any drugs paraphernalia to bring out your wild imaginations into life or find a muse for your artwork, hypnagogia could help you than those destructive bad vices. Also, it is free and legal.

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