As We Age, We Value Friends more Than Our Family

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Blood is thicker than water, but as we get older it becomes the opposite. We are considering our friends more important than our family. Though both friends and family can make us happy and fend off our loneliness, friendship has a strong predictor of our health and happiness. They give more impact on our well-being than our family.

Friends are replaceable unlike our family, once they are gone like our parents we cannot find someone who looked like them, act like them, talk like them or scold us like them. None at all. Sometimes, our interactions with them were serious, negative, and monotonous so we tend to search for someone who likes to have fun and can make us feel good such as our good friends. It is okay if we have a few of them, at least they are a true friend who can draw a wide smile on our faces. Also, they can provide support to us if we, unfortunately, do not have a spouse and they can be the people we can lean on in times of need if we despised our family or banned us from visiting them. The happiness given to us cannot be provided by our own family. So start investing in true friends who can make you happiest so you might have a good chance to live happier and live longer.

But before you pack all your things and leave your family just to have a good time with your friends, leave a note. Indicate that you are going somewhere important so they would not get worried about you and probably would not call for the police to search you as the missing person. Or find someone who can replace you, the better version of you perhaps your best friend.

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