Superbugs' Biggest Threat: Killer Bacteria

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Superbugs are the result of the constant use of antibiotics which strengthens their resistance to many drugs. When not annihilated immediately, these will lead to "apocalyptic scenarios" as described by experts, wherein people who acquired these superbugs has less chance of survival.

At last, after years of finding methods of eradicating the hard-to-kill superbugs they created predatory bacteria that devour microbes when antibiotics fail. Researchers experimented with two kinds of predatory bacteria, Bdellovibrio and Micavibrio. Bdellovibrio latches onto prey and develops within while Micavibrio attaches to the victims and grows outside them. These bacteria are tested with the afflicting germs like Salmonella and E.coli and successfully terminated those pathogens. After that, these eating bacteria are released on drug-resistant strains of four kinds of germs and again successfully kill those harmful microbes. And, these helpful bacteria are harmless to human cells. Now, researchers are applying on living animals just to examine its effectiveness and find possible negative side effects on living things.

If this conducted research would go successful and guarantee that it is safe, it would improve the healthcare medication.

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