Chapter 2

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Soul screamed as the darkness surrounded her body. Large streams of shadows injected to her, each one sending a shock of terror and pain through her body.

Lights flashed on and off with the machine roaring with power.

In the other room, some doctors stared in horror as Souls body shook an trembled.

"I-Is it working!?" a doctor shrieked an Souls eyes turned bright red an she howled as more shadows entered her body.

More terrifying screams echoed through the building an the process went on. Doctors stepped back, their eyes wide as the machine died down.

Soul hung there, her body not giving any hint of life.

The doctors started writing down notes as the door creaked open.

"What was that?" one of the females asked as the door stopped.

They peered over the door, Souls body in view of the open area.

They shrugged it off and closed the door.

Suddenly, a doctor was thrown to a wall. He yelled in pain as his body started stretching as his body was torn apart.

His shadow dissolved and slid back under the door.

"Impossible!! Her heart rate is gone!! IT IS DEAD!!" One of the female doctors shrieked as Souls eyes opened and glared at them through the window.

Her arms pushed forward then broke the bars that were holding her down. Hair covered her face as she slowly stepped closer and closer to the other doctors.

As she lifted her face, her eyes gleamed bright red. launching herself towards the people she suddenly sprung out black wings, not of an angel, and flew above them.

They struggled to leave but Soul stuck out her hand and slowly turned it upwards. The doctors started lifting off the ground, dropping their notepads and clinging to their throats.

She swung her hand down hard and their bodies did the same. Small cracking noises came from the bodies as the bones snapped on impact of the floor.

Soul stared at them with a blank face, her black hair flowing down to her waist.

As she landed to the ground a woman's voice came up.

"P-Please don't do this..." she strained to speak to the demon.

Soul turned to her head to the side an growled "That's what I told all of you, but no you did not stop,"

Soul walked over to the woman and knelt down to her bloody body.

"unknowing what would happen, do I live?"

Soul lifted the woman's head by the hair and started caress her face with the sharp claws and whispered,

"Or will I just be another failed experiment, and die..."

As Soul snarled the woman started crying and repeating "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." she slit the woman's throat with her claws. Watching the doctor die slowly, each breath that escaped her was shallow.

Soul stood as the breathing stopped and it was completely silent.

The halls were completely quiet. Her footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. Soul placed her fingers across the walls, smearing a long line of blood at the ends.

A guard stopped in front of her, telling her to turn around with her hands up. She smirked and did what she was told. Turning, she figured out how to control this new gift. Controlling others shadows.

She felt the shadows presence and mentally grabbed on to it with her hand, throwing the man up to the ceiling. His head snapped and he fell unconscious to the ground.

Her wolf ears perked up an turned as footsteps came down the hall. She quickly ran off, unknowing where to go.

Soul jumped and shifted into a wolf, noticing that her fur was a darker black.

As she ran, her claws clicked on the tiles and the corridor flew past.

As the wolf ran on for about another an hour, occasionally having to stop to remove guards and some doctors, she ended up at a window.

Outside the sun shone bright, a large field and lake stretched out to the horizon. The sky was clear with very few clouds over the building, the birds flying around.

She shifted back to normal and stared out to the world. Her eyes widened as the sunlight covered her body.

She looked around, suddenly thinking who am I?

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