Chapter 5: Shattered Mask

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Miya POV

«What are you doing here Conrad-sama?» "Conrad. So that's the reaper's name." «The lord told me to get you. Who is that?» I take his hand and shake it. «Kon'nichiwa Conrad. Nice to meet you. My name is Miya.» I use my seductive voice, making all the guys here blush. I smirk behind my mask. «W-well if that's so.» Then he look at my outfit. «Those clothes...where did you get them?» I look at my outfit. They're from the underworld so of course a reaper recognize as them familiar, even though they have never seen a demon. Since the demons are hidden from everything. My outfit is still from the Underworld. «I got them from a friend.» He stare at my face or mask is more right.

«Take off your mask.» He reach out for me, but I take a step back. He continue to try, but then I hide my presence, aura and scent completely. «Hey you, that won't work since we can see you.» I smile. «Well not anymore.» I blow each of them a kiss and wave my hand. «I have to go now. Mata aimashou~.» I begin to transport before they touch me. I transport to Kaien's office.

Third POV

After Miya left, the three guys stood there. «So she's a vampire.» Morgan click his tongue. «No she's not. Her aura and presence is way too different.» They thought for a while. «Maybe. Just maybe, but perhaps she's a new race.» Arion said. They nod, but Conrad were still not so sure. Because her clothes were definitely from the Underworld and they were of rather high quality material for giving a friend. "Who is she?"

Miya POV

When I get to Kaien's office. He is waiting for me. «So how did it go?» I glare at him. «Because of you, they found my hiding spot.» He smirk. «Oh, I didn't know!» "Of course he knows." «I met with an elf, werewolf, shifter and a reaper, but non of them were level E or EX.» I stop hiding my presence and scent so much. «Well, did you find out anything?» I nod. «Not much. Only that the level EX I killed yesterday had connections with the people I met today in the forest and that there are more than one level EX.» He nod. «You should go and rest Miya.» I nod and transport to my room. I change to my uniform and sleeping mask. Then I go to sleep.

~Time skip~

I wake up by the alarm and sit up. I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, my hair and change mask. Tonight I will wear a black cat mask and I have to put on the gloves since I never know when my powers will strike. I braid my black hair. I look at the mirror and take my bag. I walk out of my room and to the night class. «Hello Miya-neesan.» I get greeted by Yuuki. I nod back and walk to the class. 

Inside the classroom I'm too sleepy to keep awake. I've only been sleeping a couple of hours since I got here. I begin to dozen off. *Throb* I clench my chest. *Throb!* I raise my hand. «Yes Miya.» Everyone look at me. «Can I get some fresh air?» Yagari knew about me working for Kaien. He nod. I stand up and walk out. When I close the door to the classroom I begin to breath heavy. I send a signal to Kaien when I see my hands beginning to shake. "No. Not now." I lean to the wall for support, but I fall and clench my chest as the throbbing gets harder. I can feel that someone is transporting me. I know it's Kaien so I let myself transport.

Kaien POV

When I got the signal from Miya-sama, I got really worried. I had sensed that her powers were growing and leaking. I had seen the gloves too. When I transported her here she was lying on the floor clenching her chest. «Miya-sama!» I stand up. She look at me. «Di-didn't I...tell c-call me that.» Her voice is weak. I run to her and turn her so she lies on her back. «Miya.» She is sweating on her neck. «I have to take off your mask.» She shake her head. «No...*pant*...You know...*pant*...what's going to...*pant*...happen.» She pant and gasp clenching her chest. «Please Seraphia-sama.» She flinch. «Don't call me that.» She stand up and wobble. I support her. «Don't you ever call me that. Traitor.» She has hatred in her voice. She push me away.

Miya POV

"He called me Seraphia-sama." I push him away. *Throb!!* I fall down. My hands are shaking even with the gloves on. I take them off and throw them away and stand up again wobbling. The gloves melts. I look at my hands. The nails are longer and sharper. I look at Kaien. «Help me...Kai!» I feel tears run down my cheeks. He look shocked, but he quickly recover from it and walk closer to me. Just then I feel my mask cracking. It cracks open and I fall down on my knees covering my face. The air begin to vibrate and swirl around like a purple tornado. «K-Kai. Help me.» My tears glow blue and my eyes glow violet. I hear footsteps.

The door flies open, but the wind shut it. I make a note and place it outside the door. 'Get away!' I grasp my chest. My back is burning. I look at Kaien. He try to come closer. His glasses had fallen off and he was bleeding. «Kai don't come any closer! You're bleeding. I don't want to see you hurt!» He look at me with kind eyes. «I don't want to see you hurt either.» I smile weakly to him with tears streaming down my cheeks. *Throb!* I scream. «Ahhhhh!» My hair grows longer and becomes white. My teeth grow and become sharp fangs, black horns grow out of the side my head with glowing blue cracks. Big black wings grows out of my back and my clothes change to a long loose black kimono with purple sakura petals.

I look at the door making sure that it's locked. I look at the now broken mask. I cry even more and look at Kai. «K-Kai...What sh-should I do?» The air around me calmed down. He walked to me and hugged me from behind. «It's ok. It's going to be alright.» He kiss my head. 

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