The Never Ending Party

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I looked around, and I didn't see Zeus. So, I knew it'd be okay to walk over to Hades. I wanted to ask him about me and Poseidon's conversation. Because even though Poseidon told me not to, I didn't care. I trusted Hades. He'd given me no reason not to.

I walked over to him, and he continued to smile at me.

"Were you just talking to Poseidon? My apologies." He chuckled, and I couldn't help but smile.

"He isn't that bad, definitely better than Zeus." I joked. Hades nodded in agreement.

"No argument here."

The two of us shared a laugh, before someone interrupted, a woman.

"Hello Hades, how are you?"

Asked the woman. Hades rolled his eyes.

"Can't you go bother someone else? I'd rather you leave me alone. Maybe it's about time I go." He sighed.

She chuckled. "Actually, I'd rather not. And why leave? Your little friend here, is the talk of the party! Especially with my husband." She stated darkly, looking past Hades to me. Though she didn't say her name, she didn't have to. I knew exactly who this woman was.


Hades, stepped in front of her, blocking her vision of me. "Yes, your husband, is an absolute man-whore. That's something that everyone can see. But, it's not Damara's fault, and she certainly, isn't interested." He stated. By the looks of it, Hades, was done playing nice, he'd had enough.

Hera cleared her throat, but before she could say anything, another man joined in on the conversation.

"Calm down mother! No need to make a scene at your own party, especially not because of a..mortal." He said judgingly, as he looked me up and down.

"Perhaps you're right Hephaestus. She's not worth my time. Or anyone's." She chuckled, before walking off. Hephaestus stayed behind though. He cleared his throat.

"I..apologize. You know how she is." He sighed. Hades rolled his eyes at his

response. "Yes. I know. Both your parents are insane." He smirked. I couldn't help but laugh.

Hephaestus rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. "Have, either of you seen my wife?" He asked.

"Don't worry brother! She's been taken care of!" Ares winked, when he walked over, with a girl I can only assume was Aphrodite with him. They didn't stay, and talk though, they continued to walk.

I was mesmerized by Aphrodite. She really was beautiful. More so than I'd expected.

Hephaestus rolled his eyes. "Carry on Hades." Was all he said before walking off.

Hades turned his attention to me, and smiled. "We need to leave." I nodded in agreement, when we turned to leave, I ran into a woman. She was conversing with a man, who was downing a bottle of wine. She smiled. "Oh, sorry! Wait, are you Damara? I'm Athena." She smiled.

"And, I'm Dionysus." The man added, raising his bottle.

Hades sighed. "We were just leaving."

Athena and Dionysus, frowned. "So soon? We barely see each other Hades, can't you stay awhile?" She asked. Dionysus smiled at me.

"Yes Hades, please stay awhile. I'm dying to get to know your friend." Hades rolled his eyes.

"No. We're leaving. Right now." Hades stated dryly, he began to sound dark, and a bit terrifying. Dionysus rolled his eyes, and Athena's eyes widened, surprised by Hades tone. She nodded.

"Then..accept a gift please." She smiled. Before motioning for two people to come over to us. "These are nymphs. They'll help you out with whatever you need." She smiled.

"Athena I don't need-" Hades started, but Athena held up a hand to make him be quiet, and she smiled.

"Not for you, for Damara." She said, turning her attention back to me. "Enjoy them, they'll be a great assistance to you. And, I assure you. I'll be stopping by to check up on them, and you. Whether or not Hades approves." She chuckled. Dionysus smirked, and handed me a bottle of wine.

"The finest bottle for you, enjoy it, savor it, it's a delicacy. And since it's's also an aphrodisiac." He smirked, before winking at Hades. Hades rolled his eyes in response.

"Thank you." I smiled. Hades grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of there, he wasn't too rough, and definitely, not as bad as Zeus. But, it still took me by surprise.

Finally, we made it back to The Underworld, the nymphs, were off doing their own thing, and I could finally ask Hades about my conversation with Poseidon.

I told him everything. Expecting some kind of explanation. He just sighed. "Poseidon's delusional." Was all he said, before trying to walk away. I grabbed his arm.

"No! We have to talk about this! Why am I here?" I exclaimed.

"I don't know!" He yelled back. His expression fell, and he rubbed his eyes. "I..I don't know why you're here. And, honestly, I don't know if I care. I'm just glad you're here Damara. having you around. You get me like no one ever has, I don't want you to leave. And-"

I cut him off, with a kiss, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and smiled. "I'm not going anywhere." He smiled back, and nodded.

"Good. I..really don't know what I'd do without you." He said, resting his hands on my waist.

"So..Dionysus's wine sounds pretty good right about now." He smiled.

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