Pt 12

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While Cancer continued to speak Imy sat there , looking at her ruined clothes.

"Cancer why the hell!" Ron and everyone else were about to get up when suddenly Imy got up.

"I don't like you."She said in a hushed tone.


"I said , i don't like you." Cancer bursted out laughing.

"I don't like you either you loof!"

"You don't get it." Imy moved from the table. Her voice low and dark,the guys at the table just stared at the new side of Imy. "You don't ever want to get on my bad side." Imy slowly lifted her head.

"Uh...what?" Imy tackled Cancer to the ground and began to hit her.

"I-Imy! Stop it!" Toby was the first to stand.Ron and everyone else tried to stop her, even though it had barely been a few seconds Cancer's nose had already been broken and she had gotten a black eye. When they finally managed to remove Imy from Cancer's body. She was panting heavily, and shaking uncontrollably. Now the whole cafeteria was watching, and Laroe saw the whole thing. When the Principal finally came downstairs he left there immediately.

"You haven't actually changed black blood... have you?" Said Laroe as he exited the cafeteria.

So while Imy was held up in the office Ron was in the nurse's office beside Cancer.

"Cancer,i didn't know she would-"

"Shut up you."

"But i-"

"This is your fault. I told you to just get rid of that loser."

"Yeah but she's not a bad person i know it. Just-"

"Just what? Wait until she blows up again? No way! I'm tired of taking hits because of you, this time i mean it literally! Me and you are through."

"You you're kidding right?" Ron said smiling wryly.

"Do i look like i'm kidding?" Cancer looked at Ron with no qualms. Balling his fists into hands he said, "Fine. Whatever. I guess i never really liked you either way." And so he stormed out from the nurse's office.

"Ron what's wrong?" Seth was outside pacing the hall.


"So then how is Cancer can i go in?"

"I don't think that's a smart idea, me and Cancer are over." Ron began to head to the office.

"Seriously?" Seth turned Ron around and asked worriedly. "Wh-why? You guys were together for almost four years!" Ron looked at the ground regrettably.

"Ron you have to go over there and fix this!"

'How!" Ron turned back around and mumbled, "How do i fix this?" His voice was weak almost like he was about to cry.

"Ah...I'm sorry." Ignoring his brother Ron continued to go to the principal's office when he got there he saw Imy being let go.Her head hanging low. When he saw her rage filled his system, it's her fault. She's the reason Cancer broke up with me! Running towards Imy he was about to say, "So how do you feel? Making people suffer like this!" But before he said anything she looked up and said, "I bet you hate me right now. But it's alright, i don't need you to like me anymore. I wouldn't understand why you'd want to," She said smiling, a sad deprecating smile. And instead of feeling angry Ron stopped and felt, pity. Pity for the girl he knew nothing about. Toby and Edwin were there looking at her pass by them, but just like he and Seth they had no idea what to say or do.They just watched her go.

"Principal what punishment did she get?"Said a voice from behind them.

"It's you!" Toby pointed to the boy with long hair. But Laroe paid no heed.

"She's getting suspended for a few days. But next time she'll most likely get expelled."

"I see,"Laroe said nodding his head pleased.

"Your happy! You jerk! Why don't you leave Imy alone?"Toby said stopping over to him.

"What? I haven't done anything...yet,"Laroe said giggling.

"Creep," Seth whispered as Laroe left.

"I can't believe it,"Edwin plopped down on the floor.

"What is it Ed?"Seth walked over to him, his shoes clicking.

"It's just... i know it's only been two weeks but i feel really close to Imy. As if i knew her for a long time. And seeing her act that way it...really just..." Edwin took off his glasses and took a deep breath.

"I know what you mean, i felt that way too. But maybe she was just really upset, nothing big you know?" Toby said trying to reassure himself. Yet he knew in the back of his mind, the way she snapped wasn't a way someone would usually react. 

"But Cancer has done a lot of stuff, i don't think she just snapped.It felt different,"Seth pondered the situation. As the boys thought about Imy's strange behavior, Ron went to his locker. Where he found a note,"Want to know who the real Imy is? Meet me on the roof, alone."

"What the, who sent this?"Ron looked on the note but found no ones name. I do want to know about Imy, but...maybe she just snapped. It was probably nothing. "But just goin up there won't hurt so whatever." Ron went up to the roof and saw, "It's you."

"Welcome Ron, my name is Laroe. And i know right now you blame Imy for your single status."

"How did you-"

"But you're thinking why would she do that? Imy's so kind and sweet." As Laroe spoke Ron watched him, quietly. "So then Ron, tell me. What would you do if you found out the Imy you know is just a mask the real Imy wears."

"But why would she hide her true self?"

"Because her true self may be too cruel for words."


"So what will you do. Will you just ignore this. Or figure out who she really is, and prevent her from doing worse." Ron thought about what Laroe had said.

"I... think, i'll -"

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