pt 14

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"When is Imy coming back Seth? I miss her!" Toby was playing with his food at the cafeteria beside Edwin when Seth came to sit.

"It's only been two days, she's coming back on Thursday so relax." Seth said unworried, however, inside he really missed her as well.

"That's two more days Seth! What do i do in class without Imy?" Toby melted onto the table sadly.

"Don't you have any other friends?" Edwin asked glancing up at him from his book.

"Of course i do! But Imy actually understood my jokes and even gave me good jokes to use on others."

"Why don't you think of jokes to share with her when she gets back then?" Suggested Edwin, who honestly just said that to get Toby to stop whining.

"Guys..." Seth uttered.


"Why hasn't Ron been here with us?"

"I've seen him around school with some kid named Laroe,"Toby said unconcerned.

"Is it a boy with long strawberry hair?" Edwin asked thinking back.


"Isn't that kid in Imy's first class?" Seth inquired, thinking 'why in the world would Ron hang out with him? He's even missed lunch."

"What's wrong Seth? Something wrong?" Asked Toby.

"Uh no,but do you know where they might be now?"

"Well that guy asked Imy to meet him on the roof a while ago maybe he's there?" Toby said putting down his pen.

"Thanks! See you guys in a bit," Seth quickly dumped out his tray and ran to the roof. "Why would he want to talk to Imy? "Thought Seth. Up on the roof he saw Ron and Laroe on the floor with many books and albums on the the floor spread around them.

"Seth?" Ron saw Seth's confused face and tried to explain what he was doing, "I just uh."

"We are working on a class project Seth. Please leave, we have to study,"Laroe spoke to him , though he never faced him.

"Project? You never do those bro'." Seth walked over to them quietly.

"Yeah but uh i guess this one gives me a few credits in class."

"I see," Seth looked over the books they had spread about. "Does your project revolve around Imy?" Shocked Laroe turned around, "How?"

"All of these books are about families from the town you came from Laroe, and i'm pretty sure that's where Imy came from. Plus they are all opened to the letter 'I' section. Why would you need these old records anyway? And these albums,"Seth crouched down and picked up an album from 2012. "You have the ones from the year Imy first started school in 2012 all the way up to last year."

"How'd you figure all that out at first glance though?" Ron asked in awe.

"Remember i told you i wanted to be a detective and a detective always has to be on his toes," Seth grinned at his older brother.

"Who cares. Now what are you going to tell Imy?" Laroe spat those words out.

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