pt 18

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"Yes, i remember it. Quite well actually," As i respond a small smile invaded my lips.

"... then, now that you are here. I believe we should talk," Avoiding my eyes he spoke.

"About what exactly?"

"Wait Imy! I don't think you want to speak with these guy they're just ya know ganna uh be mean and talk cra-" Toby was trying to pull me back inside when he noticed the atmosphere.

"Yeah well i think i should hear them out anyway,"But of course there's no way i'd go inside and ignore this issue.

"Let the 'hotseat' game begin." Laroe said as he took a seat by the picture albums.

"Where did you all get these?" Looking at them closely these albums had pictures of me in every grade. All except for when those memory gaps happened.

"Tell me why you never show up in the years 2017,2020 and the end of last year as well. You completely disappear. Tell me why is that?" Laroe asks earnestly still keeping his poker face.

"How should i know?" I answered calmly.

"What?" Being thrown off by my answer they all turned their eyes to Laroe.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Clearing his throat Laroe continues.

"It's what i said. I went to those schools, how am i supposed to know the reasons i don't show up?" It was the truth but that was a different version of the truth.

"Then why is it whenever you disappeared there was always some kind of murder involving fire?" Just like when Laroe's brother died... i can see why he suspects me so much. But there's no way i'd kill them...right?

"... i don't remember much..."I began to speak in a quiet tone. Everyone leaned in closer.

"But i know the whole reason we'd move is because of those incidents. I just don't know exactly why. Is it because my family was scared? Maybe they knew who it was or..." were we involved?

"That's utter bull!" Laroe stood up stomping on the books as he came up to me. "I know you and your family have to do with this. And if you really don't know, i'll show them what kind of monster lurks behind those masked faces." Sucking his teeth he stormed from out of the roof. We quietly looked at each other, "Now, how about you all explain why you were in on this? It's not like you believe in 'the justice of vengeance!' or 'the evil deserve punishment!' right? " Asking them this teasingly they all nodded to one another.

"Me and Edwin's reasons were to figure out who you really are. We just feel as if there's a shadow behind that smile you show us and we just thought that... if we were actually friends we should figure out who you really are." Seth said, his amber eyes showing me the resolution his words couldn't say.

"I see,"Nodding i turn to Ron. "What about you?"

"My reasons... are because i think you aren't who you say you are. And i also believe you are related to those murders." Narrowing my eyes i asked,"Why is that?"

"When the doctor spoke to me about Cancer's injuries he asked if you had used fire of some sort to burn her. But you hadn't done any of the sort, and when i told him that he explained all of her wounds had actually a 15% of burned skin and tissue. Which could only happen with fire, of course." How is that even possible? That can't possibly be true.

"Then," I turned to Toby who wrapped his arms around me. "Toby?" I called his name as my face was buried in his chest. I tugged a bit on his arms, they were latched on tight. He showed no signs of letting go. 

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