Chapter 1 ❋

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A/N Some of y'all have been asking me to put this story back up for a while now. My initial plan was to edit and rewrite a few things then repost it but I just haven't had time to and I don't think i'll ever get to doing so. So just a heads up, this was my first story so you may come across some mistakes and you will most likely cringe. Enjoy tho lmao.

I stood by my locker as my eyes scanned the crowded hallway. I hated school. It was full of a bunch of morons and teachers that couldn't teach to save their own life. The only good thing about this place was that I got to see my friends everyday. I was pretty well known around the school too.

I'd say I'm pretty good looking, or at least that's what I was told. I was only 15 going on 16, and I'd had more dates than most of the upperclassmen at this school. None of them ever worked out though, I just couldn't click with anyone.

I threw my notebook into my locker and shut it. I started walking towards my 2nd period and greeted a few familiar faces that passed me. Just as I was about to open the door to my class, I heard someone call out my name from down the hall.

"Yo Y/N!"

I recognized the voice immediately. I turned around and saw the one and only Dinah Jane approaching me with a wide smile. Me and Dinah had been close friends for as long as I could remember. We met in elementary school and instantly clicked. She was one of the few friends that'd stuck by my side.

"Dinah Vagina!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up! I told you not to call me that!" She whined and smacked my arm.

"Why not? It has a nice ring to it." I shrugged with a teasing smile. What's up?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me. "Anyway, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to blow off class to go chill with Lauren and Zayn." She smirked.

I shrugged and nodded, not even taking a second to decide. "Sure." Dinah smiled and grabbed my arm.

We made our way towards the exit that lead to the football field. I breathed in the scent of the freshly cut grass and looked up at the clear blue sky. I shoved my hands into my pockets as we approached our usual kickback spot.

I smiled when I spotted my two best friends. I ran under the bleachers and hopped onto the back of the person with my favorite green eyes. "Guess who!" I yelled and covered her eyes with my hands.

"Y/N I know it's you, get the fuck off my back before I beat the shit out of you!" Lauren whined in annoyance.

"Wow feisty, I like it!" I smirked.

My body suddenly hit the floor and I had a mouth full of grass. I groaned and rolled onto my back. I looked up at Lauren who was smiling innocently down at me. "What the hell Laur!" I whined as I slowly got back up.

"It's your fault Y/N I told you to get off, your ding dong was poking my back." She giggled.

I snorted and dusted myself off.

"Y/N over here." Zayn yelled from the other side of the bleachers. I walked towards the taller boy with a limp, since my leg kind of hurt from the fall I had just taken.

"Come try this, it's primo stuff. I took a few hits and I'm already blown." He casually said while blowing smoke out from of the corner of his lips.

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