Chapter 16 ❋

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Camila's POV

"Bye bambi." Y/N leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Are you really going to keep calling me that?" I laughed.

"Uh yea, its my nickname for you and it's cute." She shrugged. I laughed and got off the car.

I walked into my house and dropped my bag and keys on the counter. I went up the stairs and into my room. I turned on the light and got scared when I saw my mom sitting on my bed.

"What the- Mom what are you doing in here." I questioned.

"I was waiting for you because I need to talk to you." She said in a serious tone. She got up and started pacing around the room.

"I was cleaning your room today and I found an interesting photo in one of your drawers." She said, I felt myself begin to get nervous.

She pulled out a photo strip that Y/N and I took in a photo booth. The strip had 3 pictures and I was kissing Y/N in one of them.

"Me quieres decir que es esto?" She spat in Spanish.

"Why are you going through my stuff!" I yelled.

"I was cleaning your room and I found it! How could you let that girl kiss you?! Are you gay or something?" She scolded.

Well there's no point in hiding it anymore is there?

"I knew I shouldn't have let you hang out with that girl. She turned you gay." She said angrily.

"I'm not gay ma, I like girls and boys." I explained. "That's besides the point! She still brainwashed you!"

My eyes began to water. "She didn't brainwash me I've been this way my whole life! Please don't hate me."

"Well if you still like guys then why don't you just date a boy." My mom shouted.

"I don't want a boy, I'm with Y/N. Please understand mom. I don't want you to hate me." I pleaded. My mom's hand connected with my face.

"No child of mines is going to be gay." She yelled in anger. "Break up with her."

"Or what?" I gulped.

"Or leave. Your choice." She crossed her arms.

I couldn't believe that she was actually threatening to kick me out. My tears started spilling uncontrollably.

"Please don't do this mom." I begged. I watched as she left my room and shut the door.

I laid on my bed and cried. I knew this would eventually happen but I didn't think she'd be that serious about it.

I thought about everything. I didn't want my family to hate me but I didn't want to break Y/N's heart.

Not after everything she's done for me. I let out a sob.

Why couldn't I just be born straight or with open minded parents.


I stood by locker and put my books in. I tried my best to avoid Y/N. I was doing good until I heard her voice come from behind me.

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