Chapter 23 ❋

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I nervously played with the hem of my shirt as I sat at the dinner table with Camila's parents.

Camila's dad welcomed me into their home with a smile so it made me feel a little more comfortable, but now that we were at the table I felt awkward.

I wanted to leave a good impression.

"So Y/N what do you want to do after high school?" Alejandro spoke.

I composed myself before answering.

"Uh I'm not sure honestly. I'm keeping my mind open to things." I said.

I took a bite into whatever Camila's mom cooked. I didn't know what it was but it was good.

"How are your grades?" He questioned.

"I have straight A's." His eyes widened.

"Impressive." I watched as both her parents looked at each other and nodded. Camila looked at me a smile.

"Camila tells me you write music."

I smiled, "Yea I got into it this summer."

"That's nice, is that what you want to do with your life?" He asked curiously.

"No actually I think of it more as a hobby." I explained.

He nodded his head understandingly. I could feel Camila's eyes burning through the side of my head.

"Do you have any other brothers or sisters?"

"No it's just me but my mom's boyfriend has a son and I think I'd consider him my brother." I stated.

He nodded once again as he ate, "That's sweet."

"You thinking of taking-"

"Dad this isn't an interview." Camila butted in as she rolled her eyes.

"What I'm just trying to get to know her." He quickly defended himself.

"No no it's fine, continue." I smiled.

He smiled back, "You ever thought of taking over your mom's business? You'd be rich if you did."

"Yea my mom has mentioned that to me once or twice. I haven't really thought about it, but I will now." I said as I bit into a piece of broccoli.

Silence filled the table again.

"So tell me Y/N, you're not going to break my daughter's heart, are you?" His tone suddenly got serious.

He grabbed his fork and stabbed it hardly into his steak. I flinched and gulped. I shook my head quickly.

"No sir. I like Camila very much and would never do anything to hurt her." I quickly said.

I could hear Camila giggling next to me.

He shoved a piece of steak into his mouth, "Good, that's what I like to hear."

I laughed nervously. I felt Camila's hand grab mine from under the table. I glanced at her and smiled.

"You have a lovely house Mr. and Mrs. Cabello." I complimented trying to get on their good side.

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