Chapter 17 ❋

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"You and Camila broke up months ago. You need to get over her." Lauren said as she wrote in her notebook. "I don't want to sound fucked up, but she played you Y/N."

I rolled my eyes but knew that Lauren was right. Camila used me, told me she loved me, dumped me, and didn't talk to me anymore after that.

"Hey you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new." Zayn spoke.

Lauren rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulder, "Really that's your advice?"

"No no let the man speak." I said defending him.

"I know this girl she's a senior and she's hot-" he paused and looked Lauren who was glaring, "but not as beautiful as Lauren." I laughed lightly. "Anyways she digs you, you two should hook up."

I thought about it.

"I don't know." I said unsurely.

"C'mon she's totally your type.

"What's her name?" I asked. "Selena." That name sounded familiar. I tried thinking of where I heard it, then it hit me.

"Does this Selena chick happen to work at the diner close by?" I asked curiously.

"Yea! Wait do you know her?" He asked puzzled.

"I met her during sophomore year when I was doing that deal with Camila. She gave me her number but I never called her." I explained.

"You do know that she goes here right?" He said. I shook my head. "Since when?"

"She transferred here at the beginning of the school year." Well shit.

"I've never seen her in the halls." I said.

"Well the school is pretty big and you didn't pay much attention to anyone but Camila."

I didn't believe him at first, but after class he took me to his next class and I saw her sitting at a desk talking to her friends.

"Oh shit she is really pretty." Lauren said peeking into the room. "You should talk to her."

Before I could say anything Zayn pushed me into the room. I nervously walked towards her.

"Hey you're Selena right?" She snapped her heads towards me.

"Yea." She smiled. "We met at the diner a while ago and you gave me your number. I don't know if you remember." I rambled.

"I remember, you're Y/N." She said while smiling. "Oh good I was wondering if you wanted to hang out at lunch or something." I rubbed the back of my neck.

She nodded her head, "yea, or something." She repeated while smirking. I gulped.

"Ok well I'll see you then." I bit my lip and walked out.

"What did you say?" Zayn asked.

"I asked her if she want to hang out at lunch, she said yes." I said.

"That's my girl." He said. I smiled but it quickly faded when I looked down the hall. Camila and Shawn sat together and he had his arm around her.

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