Chapter 6 ❋

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I was awakened by someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom staring down at me. I looked at the clock.

6:45 am

"Hey sweetie! I'm back." My mom said in an awfully enthusiastic tone. I groaned and sat up.

"Go to the bathroom and get ready, then come downstairs for breakfast." She said pinching my cheek.

I watched her leave the room. I'm not going to lie, I actually missed my mom and I was glad I finally had some company.

It was getting kind of lonely. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs and sat at the table.

"So Y/NN how have you been?" My mom said as she served me a plate of pancakes.

"I've been good mom." I said as I began to eat my pancakes.

"That's good to hear babe." She smiled at me.

"Do you need a ride to school?" She asked with a weird smile.

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really feel like walking today.

"Great!" She said cheerfully.

I watched as she walked out towards the garage. I shrugged and continued eating my breakfast.

I was eating and scrolling through my feed until I heard my mom call my name out.

"Y/N come out here for a second!" She yelled.

I walked towards the garage confused as to what she was calling me for. Once I got to the garage door I saw my mom smiling next to a brand new car. It was a shiny black camaro.

"Woah you got a new car?!" I shouted as I admired it. It was really bad ass.

"Yes I did but, not for me." She smiled. I quickly snapped my head towards her.

"No way! Are you saying this is for me?" I said excitedly.

"You damn right it is! I know I'm not really around a lot, so I thought I'd get you something to make up for it, plus you already got your license. What good is a license without a car?" My mom smiled.

I quickly engulfed her into a hug. Well this definitely brightened up my mood.

"Thank you ma! You're the best." I kissed her cheek.

"Well what are you waiting for you?! Get in it!" She said and tossed me the keys.

I pressed the car remote and unlocked the door. I opened the door and looked at the interior. It was all black and red with leather seats. I looked out the window and saw my mom smiling. I got out the car and walked towards her.

"So how do you like it?" She questioned.

"It's great mom thank you so much." I said happily.

"That's good, you should get going you don't want to be late for school." She smirked.

"You're right I'll see you later mom." I said pulling her into a hug again.

"Bye Y/NN." She said, reciprocating the hug.

I quickly ran into the house and grabbed my phone and bag. I grabbed the car keys and started the car. I backed out of the driveway and starting driving to school. Once I got to the entrance of the school I parked my car and saw a group of people admiring the car.

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