Chapter 11 ❋

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When I woke up my head was pounding. I got up and looked around. I looked next to me and noticed someone was with me. I almost panicked but then the memories of yesterday rushed to my brain. I looked at my phone to check the time and saw I had a message from Lauren.

From Lauser: Hey are you alive 💀, because I just read that you aren't suppose to sleep after hitting your head really hard 😰 I went to check up on u but ur room was locked . txt me when u wake up
received 2:34 am.

I texted her back to let her know I was fine. She quickly texted back.

Y: hey I woke up, I didn't die in my sleep lmao but I think I'm going to go the doctor. My head seemed fine last night but I woke up with my head pounding.
read 11:35 am

L: omg thank god I thought u were dead, do u want me to come to the doctor with u ?

Y: yea pls but I don't think I could drive with my head like this.

L: I'll ask Zayn to drive. Btw I'm in your house lmao

Y: wdym? Wait did u guys sleep over ??

L: yup come downstairs hoe.

I got up and unlocked the door quietly making sure not to wake Camila. I walked with a hand against my head and went downstairs. The room was a mess, there was confetti and red cups everywhere. I sighed and looked for Lauren.

"Lauren!" I yelled. A few seconds after she appeared from behind the kitchen counter. She quickly ran to me and embraced me.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked.

"Still asleep I'll wake him up." I watched as she went into the kitchen and filled a red cup with water. I followed her into one of the rooms downstairs and there laid Zayn. She walked up to him and poured the water on him.

"What the fuck!" He jumped and wiped his eyes.

"Get up, we're taking Y/N to the doctor. She said her head is hurting." Lauren said smacking the back of his head.

"Alright alright, you know you could've just shook me awake or something. You didn't have throw a cold cup of water at me." He groaned as he got up.

I laughed a bit and went up stairs to get changed. When I opened the door I saw Camila was already awake.

"Hey." I said. She waved at me.

"Do you have a charger? My phone died and I need to call my mom to pick me up." She said. I nodded and handed her the spare charger I had.

"Thanks." She yawned and connected the charge to the wall.

"Hey I'm going to go to the doctor to get my head checked, you can stay until your mom comes to pick you up. Can we talk later about, you know." I said as I slipped on a black t-shirt. She nodded and quickly unlocked her phone as soon as it lit up.

I watched as she talked to her mom in Spanish. I put on my white vans and stood up. When she hung up I spoke again.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge." I said as we both walked out the room.

"Thanks, but I'm good. My mom is on her way already and I only live a few minutes away so she should be here soon." She explained.

"Hey Y/N you read- Oh hey Camila I didn't know you were here." Lauren said with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh yea I slept over since Shawn dumped me and left me with no ride home." She played with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

"Oh yea sorry about that." Lauren said awkwardly.

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