Chapter 10 ❋

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The next day I was woken up by my phone ringing. I checked the time and saw it was 12 noon. I looked at the caller id and saw it was Lauren I lazily answered the phone.

"What's up." I said with my groggy voice still visible.

"Hey, uh I know your probably going to get pissed but we're moving the party to your place because my parents got home sooner than I expected and I already posted your address on the invite. So me and Zayn are going to head out to your place in a while to set up." She spoke quickly.

"Really Lauren! Fine ugh your lucky I love you guys. See you guys in a bit then." I said while laughing.

"Yay you're the best, you won't regret it! this party is going to be lit. See ya in a bit babe!" She yelled excitedly and hung up.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I got up from my bed and did my usual morning routine. I put on some sweats and a white t shirt. I didn't change into my outfit yet because I was probably going to sweat while we set up.

A few hours later Zayn and Lauren showed up in a truck. The truck was filled with food, waters, sodas, beer, and a keg. I helped them unload the truck and brought everything to the backyard.

"I'm thinking we should hang some lights around the trees and bring the flashing party lights into the house." Lauren said while wiping the drip of sweat off her forehead. Zayn and I agreed.

We went into the house and set up the lights. Lauren then brought in a fog machine.

"Where the hell did you get a fog machine?" I asked confusedly.

"My buddy let me borrow it." Zayn said as he tested the lights to check if they worked.

When we finally finished setting up and they left to shower and get changed while I did the same.

I took a shower and got ready. I decided to keep my outfit simple and wear a white t shirt with my gold chain and some ripped jeans with my white high top vans.

When I checked the time and saw it was already 7:00. Lauren and Zayn were already on their way back here. I took out my phone and texted Ariana.

Y: hey are you coming to the party tonight?

After a few minutes she finally replied.

Ari: yea I'm going with my friends

Y: cool then I'll see you here 🤗

Ari: yea see u later

I sighed as I looked at the messages, they were so dry. I put my phone down on the counter and grabbed a red cup and some beer.

When I served the cup I heard a knock. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Y/N leave the front door open, people are going to start coming soon." Lauren said as she pushed past me. I did as she told and left the front door wide open and walked back to the counter stool where I sat.


She was right. After about 20 minutes people from school starting arriving. By 8 o clock my house was already full of people. Loud music blasted through the speakers while bodies grinded against each other.

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