Chapter 2 ❋

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After what felt like hours in math class, the bell finally rang and it was lunch time. I picked up my bag and started towards the door, with Justin and Dinah not too far behind.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." Dinah whined.

I chuckled at her exaggeration, "Then you better run to the line before it gets hella long."

"Crap. You're right! I'll find you guys later." Dinah exclaimed as she speed walked away.

"I gotta piss, I'll catch up too." Justin stated before walking off, and with that I was alone.

As I was walking through the crowded lunch area I accidentally bumped into Camila.

"Move out of the way idiot!" She rudely spat.

I raised my eyebrows and watched as she walked away. The girl could be a total bitch sometimes. I shook my head and continued walking through the cafeteria. I struggled to find an empty table. After a few minutes of looking I eventually found one all the way at the end. And to my luck, it was right next to the cheerleaders and the jocks table. I threw my bag down and sat down. I looked up when I heard a voice say my name.

"Hey Y/N you look like a loner! Where are your stupid friends at?" One of the jocks shouted, earning a few laughs from his friends. I didn't even know the dude. I decided to brush him off because I really didn't want to deal with any bullshit.

A few moments passed and I heard the screeching of a chair. I didn't think much of it until a cold liquid suddenly drenched my hair. I jumped up from the chair I was sitting on and saw it was milk.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Oops! Sorry I didn't mean to do that!" I turned around and saw one of Shawn's friends, Cameron, holding the carton of milk while smiling.

I looked at the table and saw everyone, including Shawn, laughing.

"You think that's funny, you fucking asshole? Laugh at this." I angrily spat and leaped at Cameron.

I heard loud gasps while I had him on the ground. I got in a few good punches until his friends pulled me off of him. The boy was only able to throw one punch at my left eye before a deep voice yelled.

"What is going on here!"

I turned around and saw it was the principal.

"Both of you in my office. Now!" He yelled, grabbing Cameron by the collar of his shirt. I looked around and noticed there was a crowd around us recording everything. I panted and picked up my bag from the ground. I followed the old man to his office. I purposely stepped on my back of Cameron's shoe so that it would come off.

"Quit it!" He snapped.

"Fuck you." I retorted.

"Enough!" The principal scolded.

I crossed my arms and took a seat on one of the chairs inside his small office.

"Y/N and Mr. Dallas, I will not tolerate the kind of behavior you too just displayed in my school! We have a reputation to maintain." He scolded. "Now, how did this start?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Well sir, I was walking past Y/N when I almost tripped. I lost my balance and accidentally spilled my milk all over her and the next thing I know she's attacking me like some psycho. I was only defending myself." Cameron lied straight through his teeth.

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