Chapter One

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I was walking down the road, my heels making that click, click sound with each step.

I sighed.

"Why is it Monday already? What happened to TGIF?"

Lost in my thoughts, a light misty feeling started to form. First it was a drop, and then a trickle, then heavy splotches started to fall.

A giant smile developed on my face. Most people hated the rain and ran away to seek shelter. I was different. Often I had stood out in the open, my arms opened wide just to let the rain wash over me. I loved that refreshing feeling. The way it felt like your soul was being cleansed. It felt pure.

I spotted a freshly formed puddle out of the corner of my eye. Looking at my watch I sighed. I was already late and I didn't need any more distractions.

Still, the shimmery water beckoned to me...

Damn it. The temptation was too much. I only hesitated for a split second. I walked back a few steps and started running.

Trotting down the road I jumped at the last minute and let my body glide across the cool atmosphere. It felt euphoric.

My feet landed in the water. I expected the coolness to wash over me but something felt wrong. Instead of the expected splashing, my feet fell through. I had lost all control.

My body followed and suddenly I was tumbling over and over again.

What was going on? I was falling in what seemed an endless void. I desperately grabbed around trying to find something to hold onto but there was just emptiness.

I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I was so helpless.

Soon enough my body acknowledged gravity and I hit the hard ground with an almighty crack!


My screams brought my parents into my room. I bolted up from my bed, sweating profusely, shaking in fear.

"Brittany. What's the matter. Why are you screaming so much?"

"Just a bad dream. I'm ok...I'm fine. I'm just going to get ready for school now."

They stood there for a while before reluctantly leaving. I assured them I was ok but I wasn't. I had never lied to my parents in my life.

Today was the first time.

The problem wasn't so much that I had a bad dream. It was the fact that I had the same nightmare several times over the past few months. I couldn't understand why. I was just an ordinary girl with ordinary hopes and dreams. I had two loving parents but no siblings. I never had a boyfriend. Of course my parents would drone on and on about concentrating on my studies, blah blah blah but sometimes life felt very lonely.

The one bright spark in my life was Talia. My best friend. We had met at nursery school and been inseparable since then. Talia and Brittany. Brittany and Talia. It seemed like if one of us was around the other wouldn't be far behind. Sure I had other close friends but none like Talia. Nothing could break us up. No matter what, I knew I could always count on her.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I took stock of my appearance. My eyes were red and puffy. My hair a little limp. In short I looked awful. I couldn't go to school like this.

No matter how terrible I felt on the inside I was determined to look great on the outside. I quickly put on some make up and brushed my hair. I pasted on a smile and tried to feel cheerful.

Arriving at school, I spotted Talia. My spirits started to lift.

"Talia! Hi!"

I quickly grabbed her into a warm embrace squeezing her tightly.

Talia had always been confident and beautiful. Sure she didn't exactly have supermodel looks but then who does in reality. She had something more than that. It was like she had this bright light within her that gave her this inner glow.

People noticed it too. They flocked to her like bees to honey. If anybody could cheer me up it would be Talia.

"You look gorgeous today Brittany. New hair spray? Your hair looks so silky. It smells divine."

Talia always knew how to cheer me up. Despite my quick fix I knew I wasn't looking my best. She brought out the best in me. She was my rock, my world.

Approaching the group, I saw Mark and Gina and a few others from my English class. However, there was a new face in the crowd. I took a quick glance at him and felt like I had lost my breath.

His hair was tousled as if he had just woken up and he had the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen. My heart quickened. Who was he and why was he staring at me with amusement.

"Come and meet Zac. He just transferred here and I'm telling him about all the cool places he has to see."

Talia was all confidence as she made the introductions.

"Hi I'm Nittany, I mean Brittany."

I could feel a blush rising in my cheeks. Could I be anymore of an idiot?

He didn't seem to mind though cause he shook my hand and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Pleasure to meet you. Talia tells me that you are the best person to show me around town."

His eyes sparkled as he said this which made me blush even more. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off him. He was easily one of the most sexiest guys I had ever seen.


The spell was broken by the trill of the school bell.

"We are going to be late! We have to move."

Talia grabbed my hand and started running down the hall. I had no choice. I didn't want to get into anymore trouble.

Reluctantly I started to run with Talia. Do I dare turn around? I glanced back momentarily. It was then I saw Zac mouth the words with a glint in his eyes, "Catch you later Brittany."

My Best Frenemy: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now