Chapter Nine

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"Going out with Zac to the lake again?" Mum quizzed me as I headed out the door.

"Sure Jed likes the exercise."

"Oh is that what it's called these days."

"Mum. What are you implying!"

"I was young once too you know. I used to go to that lake quite a lot when I was a girl."

"You're so embarrassing! Zac and I are just friends."

"I do have eyes Brittany. I'm not blind. I just hope you know what you want. Don't let anybody tell you that you're not good enough. You deserve the best."

I quickly ran out the door to avoid more of Mum's questioning but it did make me think. I do deserve the best. I deserved better than the treatment Talia was giving me and I also deserved to be in a relationship with somebody who was proud to publicly call me his girlfriend. It had been exciting at the start, sneaking around, stolen kisses, secret rendezvous but now it was getting tiresome. I liked Zac a lot, perhaps I even loved him but I didn't want to hide from the world anymore. If Zac couldn't move our relationship out into the open then I guess I had to be true to myself. I'd rather be by myself than be in a relationship that wasn't right.

Zac was his usual charming self and Jed was particularly excitable today. It took every ounce of energy in me to keep my emotions in check.

We sat down side by side. It was strange. Usually we had plenty to talk about and we had shared plenty of tender moments and kisses here. Perhaps Zac sensed that I needed to talk to him and was avoiding conversation altogether.

"Zac" "Brittany." We both spoke at the same time then both laughed. No matter what our future brought I didn't want to lose our friendship. We did have a special connection but was this enough for a real relationship.

"You go first." I said. I knew I delaying the inevitable but I just had to gather up a bit more courage.

"Brittany. We've been together for a while now. You know I'm crazy about you."

I looked into his eyes. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? I felt my courage disappearing.

"The reason why I asked you to come to the lake with me was because I wanted to ask you something."

He got up on one knee and produced a long stem red rose that he had been concealing.

"Brittany. Will you be my date for the dance. I can't think of anybody else I'd rather go with."

My heart melted. I lost all my thoughts. All I knew at that moment was that I was deeply in love with Zac. I wasn't sure if he felt the way I did and I really didn't care. All I could think about was the wave of loving emotions that engulfed me. All my anxieties about our relationship vanished into thin air.

"Of course I will." I leaped into Zac's arms and we both fell over laughing. We shared kiss after kiss. Each one more deeper than previous. We would have stayed there all afternoon if it wasn't for Jed barking at us loudly wanting to join in on the fun.

The night of the dance soon arrived. Talia still wasn't talking to me and from what I could see she was still with Jackson. Zac and I had still kept our relationship a secret. I thought back to that day at the lake and my resolve to get everything out in the open. I was so ready back then to break things off but I just couldn't. My head said one thing but my heart said another. I guess in this case my heart overruled my head.

I put on my dress and carefully fixed my hair and make up. I had never felt so beautiful. Perhaps it was the love I had inside of me that spilled out from every pore. I was the one glowing now.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs my parents were standing there with goofy expressions on their faces.

"Our little girl is all grown up and ready for her first dance." I had never seen my Dad cry before.

"You look so beautiful." Mum said sniffling.

"Seriously!" I said this in mock anger but secretly I was proud. I was truly surrounded by love.

Zac then appeared at the door in his neatly pressed suit and a dewy orchid corsage in his hand. It took all my will power not to run my fingers through his hair and kiss his sweet lips. Haha. I wonder what my parents would have thought of that.

"Make sure you take care of our little girl and make sure she's home by curfew."

"Mum!" I looked imploring as Dad continued to embarrass me.

"I think we can extend curfew for one night." Mum said with a wink. "Just cause it is a special night."

"Let's get out of here before I die of embarrassment." I grabbed Zac's hand and ran out the door.

Arriving at the school hall was like entering Winter Wonderland. The usual dreary room was covered in silver streamers and little snow flakes. The place looked magical.

Talia was standing in the far corner with Jackson and Mark and Gina. Zac steered me across to them. I didn't really want to go but I didn't want to seem rude.

"Couldn't find a date huh? Had to go with your old mate Zac?" Talia spat out. Gina giggled. Seriously this girl was such a follower. Mark pulled Zac aside and suddenly I was left with the three of them. Believe me, this was not how I intended my night to be like.

Talia was looking me up and down and giving me a disdainful look. Unfortunately Jackson was also looking me up and down his lips curled into a slight sneer. All this while he had his arms around her. What a creep.

The music started up and I grabbed this chance to get away from them. I took Zac by the hand and led him to the dance floor.

The music was pumping and Zac and I spun around numerous times. He twirled me and caught me in an embrace. I was having so much fun. Who knew he was such a good dancer.

The song ended and suddenly a slow song started up. A few couples moved off the dance floor. Zac took me in his strong arms and I pressed my cheek against his chest.

If there were other people there I wouldn't have known. For all I cared about in that moment was Zac's arms around me. The familiar scent of his cologne. The way his body swayed in sync with mine.


"Hmmm." I answered dreamily.

He cupped his hand under my chin so I was staring directly into his eyes.

"I love you. Brittany."

My eyes widened with amazement. I just couldn't hold onto my emotions anymore.

"I love you too Zac."

"Britt. I'm so sorry. I've been so wrong to ask you to conceal our love when I should have been declaring it to the world. Love should be celebrated. Not hidden. Especially when it involves something as truly beautiful as you."

Then in the middle of the dance floor, in front of all the school he leaned his face towards me and kissed me gently on the lips.

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