Chapter Ten

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We just kept kissing and kissing. Each one becoming more intense than the one before. We were totally oblivious to the cat calls and wolf whistles around us. We had finally declared our love to each other and we didn't care who knew. All we cared about was that moment of pure ecstasy.

I traced Zac's face with my fingers as we stared into each other's eyes. Nothing could shatter this moment.

As we moved around the floor the music tempo increased into a frenzied beat and suddenly the dance floor was full again.

"How about a drink?" He led me to the refreshment table where Mark and Gina where standing.

"What was that all about? I think you guys started a fire on the dance floor." Mark ribbed Zac.

"Brittany happened. The most beautiful girl in school."

Zac stood behind me and wrapped his arms protectively against me and drew me towards him kissing my neck. I thought I was going to explode.

"Where's Talia?" Suddenly I felt the need to get everything in the open. To stop the lies. Not being honest with everyone had done nothing but damage in my life. I felt the need to cleanse myself of this feeling. I needed to start to make amends with Talia.

"I think Jackson and her went out for some quiet time." Gina replied.

Oh. It might have to wait. The thought of running into Jackson and Talia making out really didn't appeal to me. I pushed this thought into the back of my mind as my favourite song started and I pulled Zac onto the dance floor for another round.

Countless songs passed and many cups of drink later I realised I still hadn't seen Talia. My eyes scanned the room. Some people had already left which make things easier. I had almost given up when I saw Talia standing alone in the corner partially hidden in the shadows.

"Zac. Please give me a moment to speak to Talia. I need to make things right again."

"Sure thing. Don't take too long though. Miss you already."

He then kissed me and I blushed. Despite sharing many kisses with him I wasn't used to public displays of affection. It was a different kind of excitement not having to hide our feelings anymore.

I started to approach Talia. I wasn't sure what I was hoping to achieve but I just needed to get things in the open. Whether she hated me or not she deserved to know the truth about Jackson. He was playing her for a fool and despite our differences she deserved much more than what that jerk was giving her.

She seemed to sense me approaching her cause she bolted out of the shadows and headed out the exit. She was avoiding me but this needed to be done. I quickly followed her out into the hallway.

The school looked different at night. The rows and rows of classroom doors looked ominous. Damn which way did she go? Left or right? I scanned down both sides of the hallway. Neither gave a clue to her whereabouts. I quickly ran left and headed down the deserted corridor.

Rounding the corner I bumped into somebody and almost fell over. I went to say my apologies when I noticed it was Jackson. I jumped back in fright and disgust. He was the last person I wanted to see.

"Well what do we have here? Sweet, little Britt."

My face winced at him saying my nickname. I only let those people close to me to call me Britt.

My Best Frenemy: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now