Chapter Eight

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"Brittany and Zac. Pleasure as always. Enjoy the movie?"

Jackson's words seemed genuine but he delivered them with a smirk.

"Yeh pretty good."

I looked over to his right ready to face the barrage of questions from Talia when I realised I had no idea who this girl was. I closed my eyes and opened them again just to make sure my eyes weren't playing up in the light. That girl was definitely not Talia.

"Jackson. WTF. Where's Talia?"

"She couldn't make it tonight so I decided to go out with a friend instead."

Some friend I thought. What kind of person goes around dark places making out with their friends. I looked over at Zac and realised it was a stupid thought. Wasn't I doing the same?

But it wasn't the same. I didn't have another guy on the side. Zac and I had made a commitment to each other. Jackson supposedly made one with Talia but now it appeared he was getting more. Much more.

"So just friends huh? Talia told me how Zac and yourself were just mates. Hey maybe we can be mates too."

I recoiled in disgust. I didn't want to go near him let alone kiss him.

"You're asking for it Jackson. Shut your mouth otherwise I'll shut it for you." Zac shouted.

"Don't be so touchy. I'm just having fun."

Jackson then gave his date a squeeze and she squealed with delight. I thought this guy couldn't get any worse.

"C'mon Britt. We're leaving." Zac took my hand and led me to the entrance.

"And don't think about mentioning our little meeting to Talia. I know you guys are on the outs. Who do you think she'll believe. Her devoted boyfriend or her jealous ex best friend. Besides it looks like I'm not the only one hiding stuff from her."

The shy, awkward Jackson that I had met last time was gone and was replaced with a much darker reality.

I wanted to say something to hurt him. Talia and I might not be on the best of terms at the moment but deep down she was my friend. I also realised he was right. If I did tell her she would accuse me of making it up. According to her, they were the perfect couple. If only she knew.

Still I couldn't help feeling that sharp pain in my heart. When had life become so complicated. If only I'd had been truthful from the start I might not have been in such a mess. I might have been a better friend to Talia.

"Forget him. He's an idiot. We won't let him spoil our night" Zac put his arms around me and squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

I nodded forlornly and followed Zac outside the cinema.

Later in the week I knew I was taking too long to get ready but I really dreaded going to school. I didn't want to see Talia. I had gone back and forth in my mind whether I would say something. To be honest, I still didn't know.

I saw her and Gina at the gate and I thought perhaps I could fix this. Sure she would be angry at me but we could ride it through. I think she at least deserved the truth.

Gina and Talia were talking animatedly. When I approached them they both stopped and pasted fake smiles on their faces.

"Hey girls. What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing you'd understand Brittany. It's not like you have somebody that loves you. Poor lonely Brittany."

Gina laughed when Talia said this like it was the funniest thing in the world. I felt like slapping them both. I couldn't believe I was about to tell her the truth about Jackson. As far as I was concerned Talia and Jackson deserved each other.

"Whatever! I don't give a damn about you two and your stupid boyfriends!"

I quickly hurried away but not before I could hear them saying rude things about me.

I was determined not to cry. I had cried enough tears. Strangely enough I didn't seem to care anymore. My whole life I was scared of being alone. Now all I wanted to be was alone.

Classes were boring that day. I found it hard to concentrate. I could see Talia giving me snide looks when she thought I wasn't looking. I was grateful when I heard the bell ring for lunch.

I hesitated at the entrance to the lunch hall. I could see the gang at our normal table. Talia was the centre of attention with a captive audience around her. She caught sight of me of the corner of her eye and proceeded to casually sling her arm around Zac and whisper something in his ear that made him smile. I knew she was just doing it to get a reaction out of me.

I didn't want to give her the satisfaction so I strode past, head held up high and headed into the outdoor courtyard. I found a quiet, sunny nook and let the warmth enveloped me.

My quietness was interrupted by Zac who had come out to check on me.

"Britt. Are you ok? Why aren't you eating lunch with the rest of us?"

"I just felt like some alone time." I didn't really want to bring up the whole Talia feud. I just found the whole situation exhausting.

"I'll sit with you. Keep you company." Zac smiled as he sat next to me. I looked into his eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that made me melt.

"No. Go on and eat lunch with Mark. I know you guys want to catch up. I'll be fine. I just want some quiet time."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you."

"I'll be fine. Seriously. Go ahead."

Zac seemed to hesitate for a spilt second before getting up.

"Well let me know if you change your mind. Oh and Brittany. I was thinking it has been a while since we went to the lake. How about we go there this weekend."

"Sure thing. Looking forward to it."

Zac got up and headed back towards the lunch hall. I couldn't help but notice that seemed quite eager to get back. Seeds of doubt started to plant in my mind. What if Zac was keeping our relationship a secret so he carry on with other girls like Jackson. It just seemed so convenient. He could have a girlfriend but still have other girls hanging off him. I suddenly started to wonder if this was what I really wanted in life.

My Best Frenemy: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now