Chapter Seven

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Another Monday, another school day. Zac and I walked towards the school laughing and smiling. As we got to the gate I noticed Talia standing there with a pained look.

"Brittany. Can we talk? Privately."

She glared at Zac as she said this.

"Your wish is my command Milady."

He bowed his head in an exaggerated way, his right arm extended.

"Whatever. Just give us a minute Zac." Talia looked like she was about to lose her patience.

I watched as Zac headed towards the entrance. He looked so delicious from behind.

"Brittany are you listening?"

Talia was looking at me earnestly.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude last night. I was just feeling really angry."

"Apology accepted Talia."

My heart filled with love. I didn't want to fight with Talia. We had been friends for so long. I didn't want to throw it away on a silly argument.

"It's just that I was so sure that you and Zac would get together. You seem to have this unbelievable chemistry. I guess I was wrong. You guys seem to be better as mates than together."

It was on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to tell her how he had kissed for the first time that night. How it made me so special. I wanted to share with her the tender way Zac had held me in his arms at the lake as he told me how beautiful I was. I had so much to share yet I just couldn't. I started to feel sad.

Talia seemed to notice cause she started talking again.

"Oh Brittany. Don't be sad. I'm sure you'll find somebody like I found Jackson. Don't worry. You'll have your first kiss someday."

She grabbed me in a fierce hug.

All I could do was nod dumbly. I dared not open my mouth cause I knew I couldn't contain the words if I did.

Lunch at school that day started off quite ordinary. Mark and Gina were feeding each other gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. Talia was relating some tale about Jackson with her usual bubbly enthusiasm. Zac gave me secret side long glances that made me want just grab him and kiss him right in front of everyone. I was happy.

"So Brittany, who were you thinking you might take to the dance?" Talia asked suddenly.

Mark and Gina stopped their playing to listen. I felt Zac take my hand under the table and give it a light squeeze.

"I'm not sure. I'm not even thinking about it. It isn't for a while yet."

"Yes but you need to consider your options. If you wait too long all the good guys will be taken. You don't want to have to go by yourself do you?"

I didn't really know what to say so I mumbled something like I'll think about it, while Talia continued on.

"How about Jordan over there? He always seems to have his eye on you."

I felt a slight pressure from Zac's hand. I squeezed it back in reassurance.

"I tell you what. I'll go over myself and ask him for you since you are so shy. Seriously, how do you ever expect to have a boyfriend if you don't talk to them."

"NO!" The loud word just escaped from my mouth. I bolted up and out of my seat.

"I don't need you to make decisions for me. I'll ask someone when I think the time is right. Just because you are head over heels with Jackson doesn't mean you have to push me into a relationship."

I wanted to run away. I just couldn't deal with it anymore. I didn't know who I was more angry with at that moment. Talia for constantly pushing the issue or myself for getting caught up in yet another lie.

Mark and Gina were sitting there giggling. Talia looked surprised. Zac looked like he wanted to run as well

"Enjoying the show!" I yelled. "Just leave me alone."

I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Zac was fast on my heels. I didn't stop running till I was outside.

Breathing heavily I collapsed against a tree and tears started to flow.

"Brittany? Britt are you okay?"

Zac quickly wrapped his arms around me. I pushed my face into his strong chest and sobbed.

"She doesn't understand. She thinks she is so much better than me. It never used to be like this. I don't know how we have gone from being best friends to being competitors."

"Shhh. I'm your best friend. I'll protect you. Don't cry."

It was too easy to just lose myself in his warm embrace. His words were soothing.

Perhaps this is life moving on. Perhaps we are just growing up I thought.

"I don't need Talia. I have you." I looked up into Zac's soulful eyes and gave him a quick kiss. Did I really mean it? I didn't know but all I knew was life seemed to changing at a fast pace. Would I be able to keep up with it?

The weekend rolled by again and Zac and I went to the movies. I told my parents that a bunch of us were going and they seemed ok with that. They didn't even question why Zac was the only one picking me up. They trusted me and to them Zac was a good kid. I didn't even feel the guilt anymore. All I knew was that all I wanted in my life was Zac.

We sat in the back and took advantage of the darkness to make out. We were still concealing our relationship in school so stolen moments like these were precious. If things were moving too fast, I wouldn't have known it. Zac consumed me. I craved him and his masculine scent and soft lips.

We were so besotted with each other that at first we didn't notice another couple in front of us making out. The guy seemed so familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Oh well I thought as Zac tickled me and I stifled a laugh. I didn't care too much. I was having too much fun.

The movie ended and the lights came on and Zac and I sprang apart and began smoothing down our hair. It was then that the guy in front turned around and I gasped in shock. I couldn't believe it. The guy in front was Jackson!

My Best Frenemy: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now