Chapter Four

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I stood in front of the mirror deciding what to wear.

It had been just under a week since I ran out of school that day. Funnily enough I felt ok. I guess hearing Zac's confirmation that we were just friends did hurt. Hey who was I kidding. It hurt a lot but it did bring clarity into my life. At least I now knew where I stood with him instead of making up silly fantasies in my head.

"Jeans or a dress?" I mused. I was getting ready for our group date where I was finally going to meet the infamous Jackson.

Talia just couldn't get enough of him. She was totally smitten. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous when Talia would relate her stories to me about how he surprised her with flowers or her favourite cup cakes.

Ok maybe Zac wasn't the one for me but I still wanted to experience it. That feeling of somebody being devoted to you. That somebody who loves you back with all their heart. It seemed these days it was all about the couples and there I was standing in my own little group by myself.

I finally decided on my favourite floral print dress. With my new silver hoop earrings I felt like a million dollars. Zac was picking me up in five minutes. Just in time too. I slipped on my favourite red sandals and ran downstairs.

"Hey Britt. Looking beautiful tonight."

I looked over at Zac as I jumped into the car. He was wearing a simple black t shirt and jeans which emphasised his strong muscular body. Hmmm. Why did he have to look so good not to mention the scent of his cologne was driving me crazy. I felt a rush of warmness run through my body.

Arriving at the cinema, we saw Mark and Gina but no sign of Talia or the elusive Jackson. Mark and Gina were carrying on in a kind of lovey dovey way that made me feel uncomfortable.

"Come on Talia." I groaned internally. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

Suddenly Talia and a tall guy bounded round the corner. They were holding hands and their hair was a little disheveled.

"Sorry guys. Just lost track of time. This is Jackson."

Jackson introduced himself politely then put his arms around Talia. He was nice enough but he didn't seem like Talia's type. She usually went for outgoing, loud, brash guys. Jackson was mild mannered and softly spoken. He guided Talia in a possessive manner towards the entrance. She looked like she was floating on air.

Sitting in the dark cinema, I tried to ignore the going ons between Mark and Gina on my left. Zac was seated next to me staring intently at the screen. Tried as I might I just couldn't concentrate. The movie was boring and only half an hour in. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I felt trapped. Leaning my head onto my propped up arm, I tried to follow the story.

I was jolted from my position by the buzzing of my phone. Normally I don't check my phone until afterwards but this movie was really terrible. I badly needed a distraction.

"Stupid movie huh? 😜"

The words appeared on my phone screen with an emoji face with its tongue sticking out.

A smile flickered across my face. I looked to my right at Zac who seemed totally engrossed in the screen. I had to stifle a laugh. I quickly responded.

"It is pretty lame. 🙄"

Pretty soon we were texting back and forth making funny jokes and stupid comments mostly about what was happening on the screen. The actors were so bad so it was easy enough.

A romantic scene started playing and I rolled my eyes. I typed quickly.

"First they hate each other, then they love each other but then they just ignore each other. Who acts like that in real life? 😡 💏 🤷🏻‍♀️. They should just say something already!"

I sat waiting for a witty response but when my phone didn't buzz I started to wonder. I sneaked a look and Zac was staring intently at his phone typing away.

I looked at my phone again and that was when I saw the message.

"I think I'm falling for you! 🤔 🙃😍"

I sat there astounded. The same exact words were just echoed on the screen in front of us. What did this mean? I sneaked another look but Zac was staring straight ahead. Was he just commenting on the movie scene or was he being serious.

"Yeh that's a really corny line. 🌽" I typed with an emoji of a corn. Don't ask me why. I was trying to deflect the situation. Was it because I was scared or was it because I didn't want to believe that he may have had feelings for me too. My heart was feeling so confused at that moment.

He read his phone but I couldn't see his expression. He didn't type anymore.

Walking out into the foyer he turned to me and gave me his lop sided smile so I guess all was ok. The others were laughing and carrying on saying it was the best movie ever. Were they crazy? It was terrible although I guess they didn't really pay attention.

Jackson was standing there with an amused look on his face. He seemed nice enough but standing next to Talia he seemed a bit clumsy, a bit awkward. Again I thought to myself why was Talia so into him. She was a beautiful, outgoing person. He seemed quiet and aloof. Still the way he put his arms protectively around her made me think maybe there was more to him than met the eye.

Heading home I suddenly felt quite tired. It had been a confusing night all round. Meeting Jackson had been a surprise but seeing Talia so in love made me happy. I still couldn't work out if Zac meant what he said in his message or whether he was just joking. His behaviour didn't seem any different in the car. Perhaps I was just overthinking whole thing as usual.

He walked me to my front door. I turned to say goodnight when suddenly he reached out.

"You have something in your hair."

His hand softly brushed across the side of my head. It felt tingly where he had touched it. I opened my mouth to say goodnight when suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine.

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