Chapter Six

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Time seemed irrelevant but it started to get dark so we packed up and started heading home.

We walked in silence but the journey home was different. We had spent afternoon kissing, eating, laughing, chatting. Now we walked hand in hand cause we couldn't bear to let each other go.

We both agreed to keep it our secret though. I guess it made it more exciting. It was like we had our own special world that only mattered to us.

Reaching home and after a quick peck goodbye I went to open the front door.

"And where have you been all day young lady!"

My parents were standing at the front door, arms crossed, faces furious. I knew I was in for it now.

"I went for a walk with Zac and Jed..."

"What! All afternoon! And look it's dark outside. Why didn't you answer your phone?"

My phone. Oh no. I vaguely remembered it buzzing constantly. I had been in a trance. Zac and I had been in our own little bubble and I had totally forgot to answer it.

I quickly checked the screen. 20 missed calls from my parents. Messages from Talia saying, "Where r u?? Call me!!" I hung my head down in shame and tried to look remorseful.

"It must have been on silent. I didn't hear it." I replied calmly.

"I don't care. You broke our rules. You went out without leaving a message. You didn't answer your phone and what were you doing out with Zac all afternoon. Is he your boyfriend? I demand an answer!"

Dad was on fire tonight. I glanced over at Mum. She looked like she was ready to explode.

My cheeks reddened at the memory of Zac's kisses. Our mutual pact in the back of my mind.

"We are just friends. We took Jed for a walk."

The words just rolled off my tongue so naturally. What was happening to me? Lying to my parents was becoming too easy. When did I become such a liar.

"Zac's a good kid but he should have brought you home earlier and you Missy should have answered your phone when we called."

"I'm sorry." Real tears started to fall. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Darling. We are only cross cause we love you." Mum said in a soothing way. "Don't cry. We are just glad you are okay. Let's have dinner now and forget about it."

I looked over at my Dad. His face was still red with anger. I knew how to calm him down.

"I love you Daddy. I'm sorry." I put on my best little girl face.

His face relaxed and he let out a small laugh.

"Just don't do it again and answer your phone next time we call."

His words sounded harsh but the expression on his face said otherwise. I knew all was forgiven.

"You'll always be my favourite daughter."

"I'm your only daughter. Actually I'm your only child so it isn't much of a contest." I replied.

"That's cause you're perfect. We got it right the first time."

I rolled my eyes. Dad and his lame jokes but at least I was in the good books again.

After dinner I realised I still needed to call Talia back. She must have been going crazy all day.

"Brittany where have you been? I've been trying to call you all afternoon. What have you been doing."

"I went for a walk with Zac and Jed to the lake."

I started gushing then I remembered the pact.

"And?? Come on Brittany I'm dying here!"

"And nothing it was a nice day. The lake is beautiful this time of year."

"Seriously. You call me so many times last night saying you have something exciting to tell me and all you say to me is that you went to the lake. I need more details."

"No details. It was nice. You know Zac and I are just mates. We spent most of the day chasing Jed around."

My face winced a little bit at the lie. What was I doing? The best thing ever in my life happened to me and I couldn't share it with Talia. My best friend. As kids, we had pledged to tell each other everything. Tonight I broke that pledge but hey, didn't Talia already break it when she didn't tell me about Jackson.

My thoughts were interrupted by Talia's angry voice on the other side.

"Something's up Brittany. I know you are hiding something. What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing's the matter with me. There's just nothing to say."

I started to feel angry. So what if I kept my date with Zac a secret. She had kept Jackson a secret too. I didn't get angry at her.

"I have to go now. My parents are telling me to go to bed."

More lies.

"Fine. Be a big baby then. Don't think this is over though. I know there is something going on and I'm going to find out."

The line cut off and I was left staring at my phone screen.

Talia had never in our entire friendship been so rude. The hurtful words echoed in my ears. Tears sprung into my eyes. How could something so wonderful and special that made me feel so good, be so hurtful to my best friend. I was left with that confused feeling again. When did life get so complicated.

Without thinking, I quickly dialled Zac's number.

"Hey sweet Brittany. Miss me already?"

His words healed my sorrow. Talia might be angry at me but there was somebody out there that cared for me.

"Talia's angry with me. She said she knows I'm hiding something from her. She was so upset on the phone."

"You didn't say anything did you?"

"No. We made a pact. Oh Zac. I totally understand why we are keeping it a secret but why from Talia. She's my best friend."

"Cause I'm not ready to share our relationship with the world. I care so deeply for you. This way we can keep it special. If Talia knew then she would tell Jackson and then Mark and Gina. Then the whole school would know. It wouldn't be so special then."

What he said seemed to make sense. Did Zac really say he cared so deeply for me? Whoa this was starting to get intense.

"But I feel like I've lost my best friend."

"Aren't we good friends? We already share everything. Let me be your best friend."

"I'd really like that. Goodnight Zac. Miss you."

I said the words but did I really mean it? How could I give up on Talia so easily. Was this part of growing up? Did it mean letting go of my past?

My Best Frenemy: Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now