Chapter Two

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"Can anybody tell me why Elinor exhibits such a reserved exterior yet possesses so much more emotional feelings than Marianne?"

Ms Marley's words seemed to go fuzzy as I struggled to pay attention. Usually I loved English class and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen was one of my favourite books. Yet I just could not concentrate.

My heart quickened when I thought about Zac. Was it possible that I was falling for him. It seemed absurd. I only just met the guy yet I couldn't stop thinking about him. His chiselled good looks, his strong, muscular arms, his soft, sensuous lips...

"Brittany! I'm waiting!"

My dreams of Zac where shattered and I was brought back to reality by Ms Marley's sharp words.

"Umm. I'm not sure Ms Marley" I managed to croak out.

"What do you mean you are not sure. I was asking whether you thought Willoughby had any regrets over his treatment of Marianne? Surely you can come up with a better answer than not sure."

My face reddened with embarrassment.  Every student was looking at me. I guess it was a fun distraction from the boring everyday drivel of school life. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and cry.

"Never mind Brittany. Susan, what are your thoughts?"

I was relieved when Ms Marley focused her attentions on somebody else.

"What's the matter with you?" Talia hissed. "You are usually Miss Perfect when it comes to Ms Marley's class."

"I don't know. I didn't sleep very well."

Luckily for me the bell sounded signalling the end of the class. I couldn't wait to get home.

Heading out towards the school gate, I was surprised to see Zac standing there. He was shifting his feet, looking a bit nervous and fervently looking around as if scanning the crowd for someone. Of course. He was probably waiting for some girl. My heart sunk a little.

I started on the path home when I heard somebody calling my name. I turned around to find Zac following, a little puffed from running towards me.

"Hey Brittany. I was looking for you. Do you mind if I walk you home?"

I stood there incredulous. How did he know where I lived. What was he? Some kind of weirdo. I started to get that uneasy feeling.

"Umm how do you know where I live?" I asked as confidently as I could but I'm sure it came out more like a whisper.

"I have my sources. There are many things I know."

Who was this guy? Cute or not, it was starting to get a little creepy. I looked around. At least it was crowded. If he tried anything funny I had an audience behind me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Zac laugh.

"Sorry Brittany. I'm not some creepy stalker or anything. Talia told me when I let her know that I wanted to get to know you better and I realised I lived in the same street."

I visibly relaxed. Still I felt a bit uneasy. That was until I saw Talia hiding behind a tree giving a secret thumbs up. She had set this whole thing up. Talia probably knew I liked Zac before even I knew. That's why she's my best friend forever. She knew me so well.

We started walking toward home. Zac was animated and lively. He told me about his family, about how they had just moved to town cause of his Dad's transfer for work. How he was an only child like myself but had a beautiful golden retriever dog named Jed that he treated like his little brother.

Surprisingly I kept up my my end of the conversation. He was so easy going and I felt so comfortable talking to him. It was like we were old friends not just two strangers that had met that morning. I felt quite disappointed when I realised I was standing out the front of my house.

"Umm this is where I live." I gestured towards the white shuttered house.

I turned towards Zac to bid my farewell and to my surprise he touched my hand and looked directly into my eyes. It felt electric.

"Brittany. Do you mind if I walk you to school tomorrow. I really liked our conversation and I would like to get to know you better."

My heart felt like it was beating out of control. It took all my willpower not to fall into his arms and lose myself in his hypnotic eyes.

"Sure. I'll be out the front at 8. See you then."

He was staring at me so intently I thought he was going to kiss me. Did I want to kiss him? Hey, I only just met him but I felt such a connection. Would it be so wrong?

"See you tomorrow Brittany."

He dropped my hand and gave a half sided smile that showed his dimple. Was I relieved or disappointed? I honestly was not sure. My experience in these matters was quite limited. I needed to talk to Talia.

"Tell me everything! Did he ask you out? What do his lips taste like?"

She was a jumble of words. It was as if she was more excited than me.

"It was nice. We talked a lot. He's very sweet."

"Yeh but did he kiss you!!"

"No..." I said admittedly. He did touch my hand though.


Talia was squealing so loud I'm sure the neighbourhood could hear what was going on.

"You two would make the cutest couple..."

"Hey, hey. Nobody said anything about being a couple"

"You know me. I just love the idea of love. I'm just a starry eyed romantic."

We chatted for a few more minutes before I heard my parents calling me for dinner.

"Sorry Talia. Gotta go. See you tomorrow."

I went to bed that night full of happy thoughts. I wonder what the future will bring, I mused as my mind drifted off. This was by far the most exciting thing to happen to me and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

I was about to turn the light off when I heard my phone buzz. I reached eagerly expecting a message from Talia.

I quickly read the screen.

It wasn't from Talia.

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