Chapter 2.

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Hellboy fanfiction

"Chapter 2. Imaginary"

"Ever since Kroenen first showed up things haven't been that lonely, now I was happy to come home from school. I now have someone to talk with before my parents get home, however when I'm at school things are still the same. Being a child Lolita isn't that easy, I get teased a little but it doesn't bother me one bit. I notice I don't see Kroenen in school which is strange, I though imaginary friends were supposed to follow you? Maybe he didn't like being around other people besides me? Guess he was shy? I didn't bother telling my parents about him, so I kept it my little secret. What kid wouldn't have a secret from their parents?

"Two weeks after I met Kroenen I caught a little cold, so my mom stayed mom to take care of me. I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed, luck for me the TV was wear my bed so I didn't haft to get up. But since I was sick I've been mostly sleeping, being sick sucks. Normally when you're sick you would place a cold rag on your forehead, that's what my mom did.

"While I was lying in bed under my covers, I felt someone lifting up the rag on my forehead and replacing it with a new one. I thought it was my mom, so I opened my eyes. It wasn't my mom that changed the rage, the person sitting next to me on one of my chair was Kroenen.

"Kroenen?" I saw him nod his head as a response he helped me stand up, before the rag fell off my forehead I caught it in my hand. Then I started coughing a little in my other hand, when I stopped I felt him tap my shoulder a few times. I looked at him and I saw that he was holding a cup in his hand and whatever was in it was hot, I could tell he wanted me to take it so I did. I looked at what was in it and it had a unique color to it, I couldn't tell how it smelled because of my cold. When I looked at Kroenen I asked him

"Kroenen what is this? It looks a little weird?" As soon as I asked that he was writing on a piece of paper and he showed me what he wrote

"It's a special medicine, that'll help with your cold Danica. You'll be feeling a lot better." I asked him another question when I looked down at it again

"I don't know? Are you sure it's safe?" I looked at him again, even though he had the gas mask I could tell he was certain I took a deep breath

"Alright, if you think it's safe and it'll help." Right after I said that I drank the medicine, I was sick I could tell it tasted awful. There was still a little bit of it felt when I stopped drinking it, I was catching my breath after drinking whatever it was I just drank. Kroenen took the cup from me and placed it on the night stand near my bed, he helped me lye back down and pulled the covered over me and place the rag back on my forehead. He kept his hand on my forehead, I smiled at him just before I went back to sleep. Kroenen's hand lifted off my forehead and his hand undid the first button of my pajama shirt, on the center of my chest was a small star shape birthmark. It's the reason how I got my name meaning star, before he could touch the birthmark he heard my mother just about to reach my door. When the door opened my Mom came in my room and saw me still sleeping, in her hand was a new rag for me. She started walking up to me, when he touched the rag on my forehead she noticed that it was new

"Strange this feels new?" She looked on the night stand to see the cup I drank out of and picked it up and felt that it was still warm

"I don't remember giving this to her?" when she said that she barely smelled it and looked disguised

"And it smells terrible." Right after she said that she removed the rag on my forehead and felt my temperature

"Her temperature is starting to go down." Little did she know that Kroenen was hiding under the bed hearing every word my mom said, he saw her walk out of my room and shut the door.

"Well Kroenen was right when I woke up I felt a lot better, even my mom was surprised about that. Of course my mom asked me where I got the medicine, I said I didn't remember I thought it was a dream. After that talk with my mom I decided it take one of the fancy bubble baths to help relax my body, it was just what I needed. Since my hair went above my shoulders and covered haft of my back I had to use a strong towel to hold up my hair, also my skin was so white it was very sensitive the only stuff I can use if it's made in rose water. The water felt so relaxing it was the perfect heat temperature, and I just love bubbles.

"This is great, when I'm older I hope it'll still be just as enjoyable as it is right now? I wonder if you're supposed to put oils in your bath? I'll haft to look it up." There's always in ipad in every room even the bathroom, lucky for me it was in near me. So I looked up bath oils and there was a lot of them, there was even directions to make homemade scrubs everything looked great.

"Happiness oil, relaxing oil, sweet dreams oil. Wow there's a lot of this stuff."

"Oh this one sound yummy Honey and milk bath oil, wait clear vodka isn't that alcohol? Why would you put alcohol in bath oil weird?"

"Well I spend the next hour of so looking up all kinds of bath stuff you can make at home, when I got out I wore one of those super cute Japanese robe towels with a ribbon. The whole thing was pink it even came with a head piece, on top of that it had matching slippers. When I went downstairs I mom left a note saying she went to the super market, so that gave me two hours to make my body stuff. I turned around to the kitchen and I saw Kroenen in front of me what scared me a little in surprise, I was relieved when I realized it was him

"Kroenen you scared me, listen I was about to make some bath oils. You want to help me before my mom gets back?" After I said that to him he was writing on another piece of paper and he showed me what he wrote

"Just tell me what you need." I smiled after I finished reading what he wrote I told him I wanted to make the honey and milk bath oil I told him it had clear vodka in it and I shouldn't touch alcohol, he agreed to that. It was nice of him to help me, you would normally make this stuff with friends and I didn't really have any. Even though Kroenen wasn't real I was surprised how realistic he is, the way he holds objects of any kind. While I was stirring the ingredients Kroenen was watching me from the other side of the counter and I asked him

"Kroenen remember when I told you that girl Nataly was making fun of me?" I saw him nod his head once and I continued speaking to him

"She hasn't shown up to school in a whole week, they said she's ran away or she was kidnapped?" I looked at Kroenen and asked him

"Kroenen you wouldn't happen to know what happened to Nataly would you?" I saw him nod his head nod a few times I smiled at him

"Alright, it just seemed strange to me is all? Would you mind turning on the TV I want to watch the news. See what's going on in the world. And just like that Kroenen turned on the TV with the remote while I was still mixing I heard the TV said

"Breaking news a body was found just hours ago, we've identified that it is Nataly Springs." I quickly stopped stirring and I quickly looked at the TV

"What?!" I saw on TV investigators and police near the crime scene and the news reporter was still speaking

"It is a tragedy, this young ten year old was discovered by a women walking her dog. The dog found the body and the women called the police eminently. We've spoke with one of the investigators to ask how she died." The camera turned to the investigator that was leading the case, he looked young around his early twenties. Dark light skin, short brown hair with little spikes in it. And yeah he was wearing a suit of course and his badge was on the left side of his belt buckle.

"What's we've seen is a brutal murder, this poor girl suffered multiple stab wounds on what looked like a long very sharp blade. We're unable to find the or even identify the weapon, whoever did this is very skilled in killed and we will bring whoever did this down."

"Oh my god Nataly is dead, no way?" I was so shocked to hear that, she's dead. And more importantly who did it? Little did I know that was murder was Kroenen, after I told him about Nataly that night he went to her house and took her. And he killed her just because she was messing with me, he didn't want me feeling bad in any way and this was the only way to fix it. By killing.



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