Chapter 11

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"Chapter 11.Run away from darkness"
"It's been at least four months since I was kidnapped by Kroenen, he kept his word he did everything thing he could to keep me happy with him. He got some points for getting me that cat I've always wanted, well kitten when I first got him I named him Cloud. He's a full grown cat now and he follows me everywhere and loves me very much just as Kroenen does, I still haven't escaped from him yet apparently he's very absorbent which is more difficulty to even think about escaping. But has I keep thinking to myself " I can't lose my focus." It was actually foolish of Kroenen to get me Cloud, I've been training him to deliver and find things for me. I'm happy he's a very smart cat and knows I don't want to be here, my plan is it tie a message on Cloud and send him off to any police station or anyone that can help me out in the matter. And when cloud comes back it's a sign that it's my time to escape, of Kroenen askes where Cloud is I'll just say his ran off somewhere. I'm also happy he hasn't tried anything yet, if you know what I mean."
"While I was still at the place Cloud finally made it to a town I wrapped a blue bow on his neck with a letter on it, I taught him how to stop a police officer or the car. When he stopped a police car park he started running to it, just when the police officer got in the car Cloud jumped on the hood of the vehicle
"Was die Hölle?" He got out of the cat and looked at Cloud that looked at him back and meowed at him
"Nicht aussieht wie ein streunender?" The officer started to scratch under Cloud's neck, while he was scratching him he noticed a piece of paper that was around Cloud's bow. When the officer look the letter Cloud jumped off the car and took of the officer almost stopped him just before he started reading what was on the paper.
"Hallo die Katze, die Sie gerade getroffen wurde und wenn Sie dieses lesen bedeutet es ist endlich Zeit für meine Flucht, mein Name ist Danica Sullivan. Für die Polizei, die diesen Brief lesen, haben alle ihre Männer guard diese ganze Stadt von innen heraus und wenden Sie sich an die amerikanischen Behörden schnell, erwarten meine Ankunft mit der Katze, die Sie gerade gesehen haben. Seien Sie vorsichtig und in höchster Alarmbereitschaft." Luckily I wrote the same thing in English on the other side of the letter
"Hello the cat that you just met was cloud and if you're reading this it means it's finally time for my escape, my name is Danica Sullivan. For the police that is reading this letter have all of your men guard this entire town from the inside out and contact the American authorities quickly, expect my arrival with the cat you just saw. Be careful and on high alert tonight."
"I had to wait a long while for the night, but I had to act like it was a normal night with Kroenen he said night to me like always and left my room. As soon as he shut the door I started tying the sheets like rope as fast as I could, I tied them along with the curtains so it would be long enough. I was still in my night gown it didn't matter to make sure that it stay on tight I ripped the ends on my gown enough for me to run, I used the ends to tie the top of the rope I made I carefully opened the door to the balcony and started tying the first part of the cloth on the lower part of one of the bars. Just when I finished tying I shut the door from the outside so Kroenen wouldn't hear me from outside, the second I did I heard a meow and I knew who it belonged too. When I turned around I saw Cloud sitting on top of the ledge
"Cloud." Is what I whispered when I walked up to him, then he jumped in my arms and I held him
"Oh Cloud thank you so much." I looked at him and said
" Can you show me where you went?" when I said that Cloud jumped out of my arms and jumped off the bouncy and landed on his feet on the ground, I was afraid at first when I grabbed on the rope that I made. Then I slowly and quietly started going down making sure I didn't make a noise Cloud was waiting for me on the ground it took me five minutes to finally reach the ground, I was wearing slippers so I wouldn't cut my feet. And it made it a lot easier to be quiet, I couldn't just run I had to be quiet while I was walking quietly Cloud was leading me to the town he went to this afternoon. Me and Cloud where finally two miles away from that old mansion Cloud started running as did I following me, hopeful the police took my letter seriously? While I was still following Cloud I tripped and fell on the ground cloud stopped and ran up to me to make sure that I was alright
"Don't worry I'm alright?" I got up and started running with Cloud again as fast as we could I didn't realize that a piece of the gown was torn from a broken tree branch when I fell, that was a hedge mistake. While me and Cloud where resting not that far from the town Kroenen found the cloth and picked it up off the tree branch and he heading to our direction, he didn't run he just calm like he wasn't in a hurry. While Kroenen was walking to my direction me and Cloud finally made it to the town he went too and the police took the letter seriously there was lots of officers around the outside area, as soon as we stepped foot in the area the police quickly pointed their guns at me and held flashlights at my face it showed that I was barely covered in dirt around my legs and my gown on the looked very torn on the ends one of the police officers said to me in English he looked like the captain of the squad
"Are you Danica Sullivan?" I nodded yes to him as a response then Cloud jumped in my arms and I held him the officers lowered their guns then the offer that spoke to him came up me while he took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders and he placed his hands on my shoulders while we were walking
"Don't worry everything will be right Miss Sullivan." While we were walking he said to the other officers in German
"Die amerikanischen Behörden haben wir in unserem Gewahrsam Danica Sullivan." And I knew what he said
"Alert the American authorities we have Danica Sullivan in our custody." Was what he said he led me to a police car with an officer in the driver's seat and he opened the back door for me
"We'll take you to the station Miss Sullivan." I got in the back with Cloud still in my arms and I said to the officer
"Thank you." I saw him smile just when he shut just after I said that to him then the police started to drive off while the car was still driving I sighed with relief
"I mean Karl wasn't really that bad a guy to me, but he killed all those people because of me and worse he killed Dillan and Zack that's something I can't forgive."

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