Chapter 9

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"Chapter 9. My Valentine"
"Valentine's Day was just around the corner me and my friends where going to have a romantic type of Lolita lunch, but that's not going to happen since I'm still held prisoner. I guess the good news is that my arm is start to heal pretty quickly, guess I haft to thank Kroenen for that? I was happy to know that I wasn't going to wear my hospital gown while I was here, I still had my bandages but I wore a long pink gown that covered my knees. It looked like a modern Victorian night gown, the material felt smooth like silk I liked it. I stood outside the balcony watching the sun rise, it was a beautiful pink and orange color suitable for Valentine's Day. I wasn't just looks at the sunset I was trying to figure out where I was and how far the nearest building was or town, this building couldn't have been built by just Kroenen it had to be pretty old so I might have some luck? I was also relieved that I've been here for two days now, the down side was that it doesn't look like there a computer or a radio tower anywhere, well I shouldn't be that surprised Kroenen is over hundred years old. I heard the front door open that caused me to turn around, I was surprised to see what Kroenen brought me. I saw him put down a silver tray on the nightstand, on the tray was a.
"Today's breakfast is poached salmon and mint salad, also toasted scone for the side." When I walked to him I saw him pouring some tea, I saw that the tea set was actually very nice looked a little pricey
"For the tea I've prepared a messmer tea very high quality German tea brand." I saw him hand me the cup and I took it, I looked at the cup and said to him
"Kroenen you really made this for me? I'm flattered." I took a few sips of the tea I barely looked surprised when I said
"Wow that's good tea I can see why it's high quality."
"Wait high quality? This seems new tasting he couldn't have had this long? He must have recently gotten it?" That's what I thought after I said that I felt his hand under my chin, he barely lifted up my head so that I could look at him and he said to me.
"Glad you like it, just call me when you're done alright Danica." I nodded yes to him once, he let go of my chin I saw him walk out of the room and of course he locked the door again. I quickly drank the rest of the tea that was in the cup and sat it down, I also took a few bits from the scones. After that I ran back to the balcony and kept investigation on where I was at, I have at least an hour before Kroenen comes back.
"I can't yell for help, and I can't just run off either? I don't want to know what kind of punishment I'll get if I slip up? There has to be an easier way to contact help?" at that moment I had an idea
"Wait a minute that just might work?" After I said that I went back inside and I started looking for any type of paper and something to write with I looked threw some drawers and found some sheets of old paper and a pen that was used around the nearly 19th century, when I got out the paper I tore it in two and I hit the other sheet under the matrices of the bed. Then I started writing on the sheet of paper
" My name is Danica Sullivan I've been kidnapped by the Reaper's Assassin, if anyone finds this please send this to the police and save me." In case I was in Germany I wrote it in German, since haft of my blood is German I kind of learned it recently so I turned the paper over and wrote that sentence again in German
"Mein Name ist Danica Sullivan Ich habe durch die Assassins Mann entführt worden , wenn jemand findet diese und mir bitte diese an die Polizei senden sparen." I folded the paper a few times and pulled out some of my hair to use as a tie, I walked over to the silver platter and took the rest of the scones and walked outside. I crumbled up a little and threw them on the ground and took a few steps back, to see some birds fly down and eating the crumbs off the ground. I got down to their level and whistled like a bird hoping that one of them would come up to me, after a few tries it didn't work then I saw one of them barley coming over to me. I was relieved that it worked, when the small bird got comfortable with me I tied the letter on its body with my hair hopefully it won't fall out, when I finished tying the letter on it I said to the bird
"Please if you can give this letter to someone that can help me, I'm counting on you." After I said that I saw the bird flew off in the sky along with the other birds.
"This has to work, it has to reach someone?" I went back inside and I had to finish the breakfast Kroenen made if I didn't he might ask questions, after I finished a called for kroenen just like he wanted. I heard the door unlock and I saw Kroenen come in the room, he removed my bandages and applied more of the median he made for me on my arm. I felt my arm's nerves returning and I'm starting to move it too, when he finished I saw him hold my hand and barely put pressure on it a few times. After he was done he removed the bandages on my head and face, the cut on and scraps on my face where healed as was the injury on my head.
"Alright the injuries on my face are healed and my arm is almost completely healed, hopefully it won't be long now?" That's what I thought to myself while Kroenen was tying new bandages on my arm,
"I can't lose forces, as soon as my arm heals I haft to get out of here. And thanks to Kroenen I'll get out here much quicker. I just hope my letter got to someone?"
"While I was being taking care of per say, the investigators my parents and even my friends were looking for me. They were using everything to find me you name it, Amber alerts, news reports, and missing persons on posters and even an award for my return to my parents the reward money was $100,000 which got people really looking for me. The investigators weren't the only ones that were looking for me, the FBI was also looking for me since the person that abducted me is a Nazi and a very dangerous one at that. Detective Stewart went over the video footages on the night I was taken, he saw Kroenen killed the two cops that was guarding the door to the room I was in it was still dark but the cops had there flashlights. Detective Stewart saw that Kroenen was wearing a Nazi uniform.
"Well now we have proof this guy's a Nazi, but why Danica of all people?" He heard the door opened quickly that caused his attention he saw one of the other investigators at the door and he said to him
"We have a ledge on Danica Sullivan." Right after he said that he and Detective Stewart left the room he was in and went to the main office, on the main monitor there was a German police officer on the screen and detective Stewart said to him
"You said you have a ledge on Miss Sullivan?" My parents where there with him and he translated what he said in German
"Sie sagten, Sie einen Vorsprung auf meine Tochter haben?" the officer said to him in German
"Ja, fanden wir einen Brief, der auf es Ihrer Tochter Namen hatte. Der Brief war an einem Vogel angebracht , die gefunden wurde." My father said to detective Stewart
"He said that found a letter that has our daughter's name in it?" Detective Stewart said to my father
"Ask if we can see the letter?" Then he said to the police officer
"Sind Sie sicher, dass es von meiner Tochter können wir es sehen?" the officer nods his head yes one then he showed the letter in English my mother started crying when she spoke out
'That's my babies hand writing I know it anywhere."
"So she's in Germany, why there instead of here?" My mother said to the Detective
"Haft of Danica's blood is from Germany, my husband's blood line is from there. But we've only been there once, his parents wanted to see Danica and she's never traveled out of the state." Detective Stewart asked her
"When was this?" My father answered his question
"Around nine years ago I think?" The detective looked serious and confused at the same time
"Your daughter would have been six at the time?"
"Are you saying this monster has been follower our daughter since she was six, that's sick." That's what my mother said, my father tried to comfort her while she was crying.
"While that was going on, kroenen was brushing my hair with a brush I was sitting the ledge of the bed while Kroenen was sitting in the middle since my hair was so long he needed to reach the ends. I felt him stopped brushing my hair, I barely jolted in shocked when I felt kroenen's arm wrap around me from behind and feeling him pull me closer to him and I asked him
"Karl can I ask you something?" I heard him say to me
"What happened to you calling me Kroenen? And of course you can." I started speaking after he stopped talking to me
"I think I'll call you by your real name now and I never got my answer, when did you notice me I didn't that part?" After I said that he lifted me up and sat me on his lap and his arms where still wrapped around me this time his hands where hugging my stomach near my waste
"Danica the day I first met you must have been one of the happiest days of my life, you were so adorable even as a child you looked just like a living doll. I remember you playing with the kids in the park a little after you arrived in Germany, your eyes where filled with so much life and happiness."
"Germany are we in Germany? At least I now know where I'm at, might as well let him continue?" After I thought that Kroenen continued speaking to me
"I originally noticed your mother with your father, I told you I was obsessed with perfection? Well your mother is a living doll just like you, but when I saw you run up to your parents that changed. Well then I got a better look at your father." I saw him lean his head on my shoulder while he was still speaking to me
"I don't know if you aware if this but you and I aren't so different?" I was confused when he said that to me
"What? What are you talking about we are different there's nothing similar about us Karl?" my answer to him way
"You really don't know do you?" I answered him
"Know what just say it?" he whispered in my ear to answer my question
"You have Nazi blood in you just like me." I was very shocked to hear that then I said to him
"No way, that's not true I would have known. You're lying." I felt him pull me a little more closely when he stared speaking
"Your great grandfather was a Nazi, your father looks a lot like him. He wasn't just a Nazi he was also a member of the Thule Society, I guess I'm not surprised you don't know neither does your father."
"I have Nazi blood, that's just not possible it can't be?"
"I told you I wouldn't lie to you anymore didn't I Danica? And I thought that was something you needed to know about yourself, now you see we aren't so different now do you? Oh I alright forgot have you heard of Hellboy before?" When he asked that I didn't look at him
"Yeah of course I think you already know I'm still into the paranormal. Why?"
"Who do you think tried to kill me?" That's what I heard him say to me when I looked at him
"Wait Hellboy is real?"

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