Chapter 6

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"Chapter 6. Taken"
"Dillan didn't show up in two days that cause me to think that he's moved on so quickly. My friends did their best to make me feel better, the visited me every day in the afternoon. And after school as well, my parents had to take turns visiting me they can't be in the hospital at the same time. Not only that I reserve flowers on a daily bases, the first giant bouquet of flowers was still there the water was changed daily too to keep them alive. I knew who they were from, it seemed like a normal day I couldn't be any more wrong."
"On Saturday both of my parents visited me almost around the afternoon, during the visiting the strangest thing happened. Both me and my parents heard a few knocks at the door and it opened I was surprised to see who it was, the person that entered the room was the detective working on The Reaper's Assassin case.
"Excuse me I'm Detective Stewart are you Danica Sullivan?" That's what he questioned me both of my parents stood up and my father said to him
"She is what do you want from our daughter Detective?" I said to the Detective
"Wait I know you your working on The Reaper's Assassin case aren't you? What does that haft to do with me?" Before he answered my question he shut the door from behind him and he answered my question
"Miss Sullivan I'm sorry to say this to you, but your recent boyfriend Dillan Williams. Was murdered." I was shocked when I heard him say that as where my parents I said to him
"What, no not again?" I started crying while I was covering my mouth the Detective continued speaking to me
"He wasn't the only one that was killed, the two workers that cause your accent where murdered too."
"You believe that this mass murderer has something to do with our daughter?" That's what my mother said to him, she looked serious about it. The Detective notice the large bouquet of flowers he was examining them when he answered my mother question
"Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan you're aware that your daughter's medical bill was already paid for correct?" My father said to him while his hand was on my mother's shoulder
"Yes, we were quite surprised don't know who paid for it?" he looked surprised when he say the detective hold out a small gold bar and he said to them
"He paid with this, that's what the Doctor said." He tossed the gold bar to my father and he caught it in his hand and my father said to him with a questionable look on his face
"He paid with gold?" The Detective said to him
"Look what's on it." When my father opened his hand both him and my mother where shocked, engraved in the gold was the Nazi symbol
"No need to say if you know what that symbol means?" That's what the Detective said to my parents and I said to him
"Why what's on that gold?" The Detective answered my question when he hand one hand in his pocket
"The person that paid for your bill is a Nazi." I was very shocked to hear that
"Kroenen a Nazi, no that can't be right?" That's what I thought to myself after he said that to me The Detective saw how shocked I was and he ask me
"Do you know him?" I didn't look at him when he asked me that my mother quickly look at me and asked me
"Danica, sweetheart do you know this man?" I held my shoulder that my arms was injured I still didn't look at her when I spoke
"He lied to me, how could I be so stupid?" My father looked worried when he spoke to me
"Danica who is he?" I answered his question when I looked at him
"He told me to call him Kroenen, when I first met him?" The Detective quickly asked me
"When did you first met him?" I answered that question when I turned my head to him and tears started to fall down my face
"I met him eight years ago."
"That's the year when Nataly Springs died, she was ten she was a grade higher than you back then." He said that right after I finished speaking and my mother quickly said to me
"Danica why didn't say anything to us?" I answered her question while I looked at her
"I didn't know? I thought I made him up I didn't have any friends until I started high school. He was the only friend I had, or at least that's what I believed?" When I said that the Detective said to my parents
"Mr. And Mrs. Sullivan your daughter is in great danger we need to get her out of her."
"She can't leave the hospital now, it'll caught more damage to her arm." My father said that to him, my mother was holding me in her arms when she question the Detective
"Detective Stewart what are we going to do, Danica's our old child we can't just stand here and do nothing?" The Detective answered my mother's question
"I know, he's an expert in killing he's probably killed hundreds of people over the years? Now we know why he's killing it'll be easier to catch him. We'll protect your daughter, ad when she's approved to leave we'll relocate her."
"I was so heart broken when I found out the truth about Kroenen, the kids and people that where slightly mean or bulling me over the years. Kroenen has been killing them, why did he haft to kill Zack and Dillan they never did anything to me bad. Right after the long chat with Detective Stewart, the police where guarding the hospital two cops where even guarding the door of the room I was in. Security was even stricter and more serious, more camera cops and agents by the hour. I called all my friends and told them what happen and why they can't visit, they were all so shocked I trust them not to spread the word. The cops want to catch this guys and we can't let him know or they might lose their chance, I also don't want to endanger my friends too."
"When night came I was already asleep, the two cops where still guarding the door from the outside. Everything was quiet almost too quiet, then the lights quickly went out that caused the cops to be on their guard they had their guns out. One of them turned on their flash light and looked around when he turned around he saw his partner on the ground dead, before he turned around a blade quickly gabbed him in the back that caused him to die instantly. When the blade was removed from his body his corpse fell on the ground, when the lights came back on Kroenen retracted the blade that was on his arm. Instead of that normal body suit he wears, he was still wearing it but he was also wearing his Nazi uniform over it. He stepped over one of the bodies to get to the door, he slowly opened it by turning the handle carefully without waking me up.

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