Chapter 3

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"Chapter 3. Secret love"
"After Nataly's death the school hung her picture in memory of her, years past after that and I was now in high school. Still a Lolita now I have friends that are a lot like me and they got me into Alice in the country of hearts manga's along with other Victorian style manga's and anime's. When I finished middle school Kroenen still showed up in my life, he did anything to make me happy to make me feel safe. I still had a few kids that bullied me because of the way I look and dress, then a few days later they would write up they ran away or I going on a journey to find themselves. Everyone believed it even their parents did, I guess it was coincidence? When I started hanging out with my new friends I noticed at Kroenen isn't showing himself to me that often as he used too. I wasn't aware he was following me when I was hanging around them, and he was very good at it too."
"When me and my class went on a field trip to the museum for history class, there was a section from WW2 it had pictures relics you name it. While my classed threw it something caught my eye that caused me to stop. I was looked at an old picture it was faded due to age, but in the picture it was taking by a US solder. But in the photo the person looked an awful lot like Kroenen, instead of the suit he normal wore in the picture he was wearing a Nazi general type of uniform. Under the picture there was a description on what the pictures was it said
"Hitler's top assassin and top German scientist."
"Could that really be Kroenen? No it couldn't be he's too nice of a guy." I heard one of my friends calling for me, that caused me to snap out of it and I quickly ran back to the group. Good thing too cause it was about lunch time, everyone had to bring their own lunch. Me and my friends packs a small Lolita lunch, a couple of macaroons, scones, English sandwiches. It was like a high tea party, without the tea we weren't allowed to bring any tea cups. We were able to bring our picnic blanket and large umbrella with us, however the only tea we could bring was cold in the bottles. It felt more like a low high tea party, normally we would do all out with hot tea and more stuff. I met my friends in the middle of my freshmen year they wanted me in there Lolita club, I think middle school is when they started. Since I was the longest Lolita out of the group that made me the Queen by Lolita law. My first friend's name is Lulu that's her Lolita name her real name is Rebecca, she's a blue eyes brunet with short hair that covered her ears. She's a classic Lolita there are different Lolita in the group, there was a total of six of us including myself. Among all of us I was the one the really looked like a doll I get so many compliments, they even asked if I was wearing color contacts cause my eyes where so light blue. I never wore a wing because my hair is better than a wig, I guess the best part would be my star birth mark that give me real character. My friends give me great advice about where I can buy my Lolita dresses and how to do my hair too also accessories.
"While me and my friends where enjoying our lunch a guy in the junior class came up to us, which caught all of our attention he was one of the popular juniors a jock football player he wore the jacket.
"Evening ladies, mind if I join you?" was what he said to us and I said to him
"You want tea time with us, are you that mannered?" that's what I said to him and some of my friends giggled and I continued speaking to him when I was finishing my tea
"As the Queen of the Lolita club we stand for high standers and kaweii dresses, this is the first time someone of your kind has asked this. However it's not my full decision off of us decide, girls what do you say?"
"Here, Here." Is the answer they all gave him I looked at him and said
"You may." While I was still speaking I pointed out
"Your friends over there are welcomed to join if they want, but they must behave." Right after I said that he turned around and yelled out
"Hey guys, the queen bee said yes get your asses over here." And just like that all ten of his friends quickly showed up, it's an opportunity the Lolita club is a little popular with guys since everyone in the club wears cute dresses. And our rules are a little well known in school, news even interviews us one time which increased our club popularity. The guys took pictures of us with them with our permission, we can be dominate and weird when we want to be and they know it. While I was speaking with the jock that first came up to us, I felt like someone or something was watching me. So I turned around to see if anyone was nearby, and I didn't see anybody that looked odd or out of place. When I didn't see anything I turned back around, but I couldn't shake the feeling off me."
"When lunch was over the guys where kind enough to help carry out stuff like the umbrella and food basket for us, It also wasn't a surprised that the First Jock asked me out. I forgot to ask him his name since I wasn't really that interesting in school sports, he told me his name was Zack Blakesure and he's sixteen he's a year older than me which made since of him being a junior. I said yes to his date, he's the first guy ever to ask me out. We talked about when we should have our first date, I subjected a picnic in the botanical gardens and he liked the idea and subjected on Saturday afternoon which was tomorrow."
"After the field trip of done we all went back to school to get on the school busses to get him, Zack was nice enough to drive me home in his car. Of course I told my friends about it and they were excited for me, when Zack dropped me off I waved to him bye when he drove off and I opened the front door. I had a lot of planning to figure out what outfit and I going to wear? Like any normal teenager I told my parents a boy asked me out, they were even more proud of me making actual friends. I told them about him my dad seemed to like the idea of me dating a football player, my mom can be a little judgmental at times. But she was still happy for me, and that's all that matter they were going to see him tomorrow so I should be safe from any drama. Normally when I get home I look online for new Lolita dresses I'd sit on my bed browsing online, till I found a really cute dress. Shoes and the ones I love the most cause there so damn cute, pricey but it's worth it. But not right now I needed to pick out an outfit for my first date, I was looking through my new Lolita dress to see in one of them would be perfect. I wanted to bring a parasol with me I had several one of my favorites was a pink one with light blue laces on it and a bow on the tip of it, I had several dresses that went with it picking out the right one was the hard part. I knew what socks and shoes would go perfect with the parasol, then I found it the dress. It was the same color as the parasol the sleeves where short, pink and puffy, the ends of it had light blue ribbons on it. The shirt bottomed all the way up, the dress itself was light blue with pink bows on it and two laces around it. The decoration all around it had sweets on it and on the lower part of it had cute Japanese cakes and macaroons on it, for the socks I chose cute pink socks with frills around the top along with a blue ribbons on it. For the shoes there where high heeled light blue shoes with a small bow on the tip of them and the tie that went around the ankle of the shoe also has a bow on it too, for my hair a big light blue bow. The whole thing went together perfectly, I just loved it."
"Like any normal teenage girl, I took a nice fancy bath before a big date. The bath I took wasn't that different from when I was a kid, but I added oils in it to help my skin and stuff. I had to really put my hair up since it's almost my weight, I haft to brad it and roll it in a bun. While I was in there I was thinking
"That picture at the museum, I wonder?" I got the ipad that was near the tub and did a little research I types in Kroenen in it, I didn't think I would find anything on there.
"Great nothing, now what?" I leaned back on the back of the tub and place the ipad next to me
"Maybe I'm over thinking it, I mean Kroenen can't be a Nazi? I made him up didn't I? Then again I haven't seen him in a while, strange?"
"I didn't want to look tired so I went to bed early, I took a night quill and I was out in like five minutes. While I was still sleeping Kroenen's hand was rubbing the top of my head, then his hand went through my brad that caused it to break off and let my hair down. He sat down next to me on my bed, I turned to his side.
"Danica, my sweet morning star." Where the words he thought while he was looking at me
"Hard to believe that I fell in love with this child, I thought I lost that feeling a long time ago?" He stroked the right side of my cheek gently
"I've killed those people to prove how much she means to me." He stopped stroking my cheek and he placed something in my hand and he closed it with both of his hands
"Even if she falls in love with someone, I'll forgive her." He stood up off my bed and he turned his back to me
"However I won't forgive the person Danica's in love with."
"When the morning came my alarm clock on my phone woke me up at 9:30 am, as soon as I opened my eyes I felt something in my hand. I stood up on my bed and opened my hand to see what it was, it looked like a small bar of gold and it had a red ribbon tied around it hiding the symbol engraved on it.
"Was Kroenen here?" I placed it on my night stand, next to my phone and I turned off the alarm on it. I noticed that my hair was down, normally it's in a brad but it wasn't. I couldn't think why now I had to get ready for me date, I quickly got out of bed and started blushing my hair. It took about twenty to thirty minute to brush it because it was so long, after that I had to do my nails, makeup put on my dress then do my hair. Till take me two hours to look perfect, I also had to pack a Lolita picnic lunch for two which I did yesterday so I won't slack off."
"My parents were excited to meet Zack, when I told them he would be here at noon they were ready for him. Before he got here I was just fixing my hair, I had it up in my pig tails with curls in them. I finished my makeup and it perfectly resembled one of those anime Japanese dolls the lipstick I wore made my skin even more porcelain, on top of my head was a pink bow I also put on light blue cufflinks to go with the dress. To help hold a few things I wanted to bring my light pink star shape purse, I wanted to bring my phone and my wallet. Before I felt my room with my parasol I look at my nigh stand where that small gold bar was, without thinking I took it and put in my purse. I don't know why I did it I just did, as I was walking down the stair I saw Zack talking to my parents. Then he saw me taking the last few steps down and I smiled at him Zack said to me
"Wow you look great." I said to him
"Thank you do too." I walked past him and I grabbed the picnic basket off the counter
"So ready to do?"
"And just where are you two going?" That's what my dad asked and I answered his question when I was standing near Zack
"Don't worry dad where having lunch at the botanical gardens and be back around four." My dad looked at Zack and he said to him
"Zack Danica is our only child, you best protect her?"
"Don't worry sir your daughter is in safe hands."
"After that chat with my parents me and Zack went to the botanical gardens, we had our picnic in the rose garden. Zack placed the picnic blanket on the ground first and then I placed the sun umbrella in the ground and opened it up, I sat down under it and I placed all the things I packed out. I could tell Zack looked a little surprised to see all of it, unlike the field trip I brought my tea set for two and I was able to bring real tea.
"Wow this is the girlest thing I've ever seen in my damn life." That's what he said to me when I handed him his cup and I said to him
"This is how Lolita's eat, we have tea parties."
"The picnic was great, I was so happy we talked a lot about our interests. I told him what my parents did and he told me what his did too, I've never spoken to a guy this long that wasn't my father or Kroenen in that matter. It was something new, something different for me I liked it. He wanted to know about what Lolita's where so I told him, he was surprised that some guys are into it I told him they can dress like really fancy like. Though some dress the same as a Lolita girl, what shocked him most was how much the dress and everything was. I wasn't surprised that he was shocked, a lot of normal people would be. When we finished our lunch we walked around the whole garden I was using my parasol to help block out the sun off me, of course Zack shared held it for me while we were walking together. However I didn't know Kroenen was following us in the shadows, he wanted to get Zack off his gaud so he could kill him. He couldn't do it while I was around and I wasn't going anywhere without Zack for a while, he is the first boyfriend in my life."

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