Chapter 20 ( Final chapter)

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"Chapter 20 the final chapter"

"Reading books does help in certain situations, even in mine. Though I'm trapped agonized my will I was hoping some of these novels would help me in my escape or at least give me some ideas in situations like mine, though I am certain Karl is planning something to make me fall in love with him I needed to know what and how I can avoid it without making him angry or making things worse.
"He does treat me so kindly, I'm not so sure if I want to hurt him. Maybe I shouldn't?" Thinking that to myself really shocked me as I placed the book I was reading down
"The hell what am I thinking? Why would I think that, am I actually starting to care for him?" I had to leave the library, so I did I ended up going back outside. The snow had stopped but it was still very cold out, I did wear a shall to keep me warm.
"I just need to clear my head, that's what I need." I thought the walking helped clear my thoughts and my head I still couldn't figure out what made me start to think about caring for Karl, I knew fully well what awful things he's done.
"Danica you mustn't stay out here long, you'll catch cold." Hearing Karl's voice shocked me that made me turn to him see what he had caught up to me, as he started to walk up to me I spoke to him. I didn't realizing that my face started to flush to him
"I'm sorry Kroenen I needed the fresh air despite the cold." Seeing my flushed face pleased him, not to my knowledge he drugged the drinks he had been giving me. Dosages of love poisons that he came cross, he was happy that they finally started to work, I needed more to his option if I were to truly love him he had been giving me small amounts so I wouldn't notice. He knew I couldn't love him for what he's done, how many people he killed because of me it's also another way of making sure I don't escape either."
"Days went by I spent some of them watching the snow melt seeing the ground underneath it, watching it becoming spring. This also showed me that I had been captive for month, for some reason I started to slowly start to care for Kroenen to the point where I started to love him. It was like I couldn't control my thoughts or actions, there was still a part of me that wanted to still escape wanting to hate and fear him. I couldn't figure out what was making me have those feeling. Now being around Kroenen makes my heart race like it did with Dillan and Zack, though it pains me to say it but the more time I spent with him the more those feeling grew. I'm certain Kroenen knows and realizes it since he recently started to be more closer to me like a married couple, but it wasn't like that to my mind I still needed to fight those feeling with every strength left in me I won't give into it."
"I still can't bring myself to throwing this out." I held the cross that I found in my pocket when I arrived back here, it was during the night I was sitting on my bed in my night gown with my hair in a long brad, something about it seemed a little off even though it's a cross. I looked at it more closely seeing that there was nothing off looking about it, I barely pressed the center of it that had a big pearl on it. To my shock it acted like a button like a turned something on, right then I know what that meant I finally realized what this cross was it was a tracking device made to look like a cross. Pressing the peal activated it, I didn't know how to feel my mind was still confused with mixed feelings for Kroenen I still didn't figure out why I had. I knew one thing for sure the second I pressed on the fake pearl that help was coming.
"I didn't know what kind of help is coming but it's better than nothing." Right after thinking that I heard a few knocks at the door knowing that it was Kroenen, before he entered my room I hid the cross under one of the pillows. I saw Kroenen come in with a tray of hot coffee with all the sides that some with coffee to change it's flavor, like creams, milk and sugar. I was starting to get a little sick of tea so coffee was good substitute, once Kroenen set the try down he started adding some of the extra's in the coffee he knew how I liked it so I didn't haft to do it myself. Though something did feel a little off seeing him pour in the cream, I couldn't help but notice it looked a lot thicker than any cream in coffee I've seen and he put a little bit too much than I normally like.
"Um Kroenen that's a little too much cream?" Kroenen simply held the cup out to me wanting me to take it, I didn't want to make him mad so I took it out of his hands. The coffee did smell nice but something about it seemed off it me, I had no other choice but to drink it. If I didn't I'm sure he would know something was up, I couldn't fake it either he's very observant even at the littlest of things. I drank about haft of the coffee nothing about it tasted off, it seemed like normal coffee to me. Kroenen then took the coffee out of my hand placing it on the night stand next to my bed, right after he did that he held my hand that surprised me. My heart started racing on its own it raced even more then Koenen placed his hand on my cheek at made my face turn red and my body to barely shiver without my control, with that he pulled me close to him. His arms gently wrapped around me.
"What's going on? Why am I...." I thought that to myself then I quickly realized what was going on I looked over to where the coffee was and I asked him
"W-What did you put in that coffee?" The second I said that, I blacked out my head rested on Kroenen's shoulder. After some time of Kroenen rubbing the back of my head with his hand I started to come too, he held me up with his hands on both of my shoulders. I started to open my eyes, they were different they weren't my normal soulful eyes. Instead they were lifeless like doll eyes, even with those eyes I smiled at Kroenen with a very loving smile. I felt like a different person my emotions had changed for him, I felt love and care for him I didn't remember why I felt afraid of him now I felt so happy. Kroenen then helped me off my bed by taking both of my hands and lifting me up, he then walked me out of my room I had my arms around his arm like how couples do I even leaned my head on his shoulder. Kroenen was so happy seeing me like that, what he had put in the cream was the final stage of the love poison. That wasn't the only thing he did in the coffee itself was an altering memory serum, I now had no memories of my family or anyone else. Instead my memories are of Kroenen finding me in the woods where my parents abandoned me as a child, he took me in and cared for me. Even a memory of him purposing to me and me saying yes to him, this was what he always wanted from me and he now got it. What did didn't know and what I had forgotten was that it wouldn't last long since there would be a rescue team on its way."
"Even in the new state I was in I still loved star gazing, so Kroenen walked me back to my room since it had a good view of the sky with the balcony. He now didn't haft to worry about me escaping either now that I had no intention of doing to anymore since I forgotten, though he was worried if I see or hear certain things that'll trigger my memories back. Despite being old fashioned he was up to date with few technology mostly of security camera's, from my first escape he installed them in multiple areas including motion sensors. When he saw his motion sensors picked up a lot of movement he knew what that meant, what he wanted to know was how. He knew that I couldn't have, he couldn't think how at that moment Koenen didn't have any intent on losing me. With that he quickly came barging in my room and forced me out by leading me out.
"Um Kroenen? W-What's going on?" He didn't give me a direct answer all he said was that "There isn't much time." He had prepared for certain situations, like ones at that moment. We ended up in the library where he opened a secret room from behind one of the book shelves, and he then put me in there. Once the entrance shut completely it was dark for a few seconds then the lights came on, the sources was fire. I saw that it was like a cavern so I stared walking forward, I still glanced back hoping Kroenen would show up. What I found discovered that I was in an underground tunnel under the manor, whatever that caught my attention was noise coming from above. It sounded like a lot of people running around, in the state I was in I was very worried for Kroenen hoping that he would be alright as I calmly continued walking.
"I wonder what's going on up there? It sounds like quite a commotion?" I thought that to myself as I continued walking straight ahead, from above I was right about it being a commotion. Swarms of agents where everywhere looking for me or Kroenen, among those agents was Hellboy smoking one of his cigars while blowing out the smoke from his mouth.
"Can't believe the son of a bitch is still alive. Alright let's find the girl she bound to be somewhere? Check everywhere there could be secret passages?"
"After hours of searching they ended up finding me, I was still in a state of confusion and the effects from those drugs were still in my systems. I didn't know what was going to happen nor did I know what they were going to do with me, the agents ended up using a type of knockout gas on me that made me pass out. The next thing I knew I was at the hospital, it felt like I was waking up from a bad dream Agent Myers told me everything that had happened even saying that they killed Kroenen and for good, a was little sad hearing that despite what he did. He was there for me, he didn't leave my side since the first day I met him. I suppose that's it's alright now? No one else got hurt or killed that was important to me, Eliot ended up asking me out and I said yes to him. Not long after High School her purposed to me and I said yes, after some years we started a family for our own. Though I couldn't help but tell our children my story of Karl Kroenen and how he changed my life, even now I still feel as if he's nearby watching from the shadows. Watching every move I make."
" Thanks for reading I know this isnt the ended some might think of but I needed to end this chapter before the end of the year otherwise I wouldn't get any idea for it."

Thanks for reading recently I've been readying a lot of yandere themed fanfiction's and its getting me all inspired I new Yandere themed themed story will me on Black Panther I started reading yandere marvel and DC from a lot of different point of views and really gets a girl thinking her own stories to write :) :)

 Please leave comments if anyone has any idea it never hurts to shout out of ideas :)

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