Chapter 10

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"Chapter 10. Unlocked doors"
"I have Nazi blood from my great grandfather? That can't be true" I said that to Kroenen he was sitting next to me on the edge of the bed and he said to me while he was reaching for something in his pocket
"Maybe THIS might prove that I'm right?" I saw him pull out what looked like a picture, when he showed me what was on it I was very shocked. In the picture was Kroenen was in it along with several other nazi soldiers and the date was 1942 what caught my attention was the man next to kroenen he looked an awful lot like my father, I took the picture from kroenen's hand to get a better look at the photo. I also noticed Kroenen wearing a nazi general uniform that looked a little different from the other, then kroenen took the photo from my hands and said to me
"I told you I wasn't lying didn't I Danica, and I know it's hard for you to process?" I saw him put the photo back in his pocket and he stood up off the edge of the bed
"But you'll get over it soon enough." He helped me off the bed and he kept speaking to him
"Dania cheer up, Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I have a lot of things planned for us in mind. We can do some of them today?"
"Plans, what does he have in mind? I'm almost afraid to ask that?" I was thinking that when he went out the door, well more like him leading me out. Now that I really know what he is I just can't imagine what he's planning, and earlier he mentioned Hellboy I've heard a lot about him even if I'm a Lolita I still love the paranormal.
"Well he's not blind folding me that am a good thing I guess?" After I thought that I asked him
"Um Karl where are you taking me?" I heard him say to me
" You'll see." I was so worried what he was planning after what I found out about my family I don't want any more shocks, when she stopped at the entrance to the front door. I saw him let go of my hand and open the door, to my surprised sitting at the front door on the ground was a small pink box with a lid and a red bow on top of it. I asked him
"You got me something?" Kroenen answered my question while picked up and looked at the box
"It's something you've always wanted buy couldn't cause of your father's allergies." I was so surprised when he said that to me before I opened the box I said to him
"Oh my god you didn't?!" I sat down on the ground and placed the box in front of me on the ground and I had my hand over my mouth
"You're going to make me cry." When I opened the box I was so happy to see what was inside it, it was kitten not just any kitten a rare Turkish Angora the kind I've always wanted and it even had the eye color I loved one eye piercing light blue, the other piercing light green the fur was also fluffy white and it looked up at me and tears started to fall down my eyes
"A Turkish Angora kitten, how did you find it?" I heard Kroenen answer my question when I picked up the kitten and held it
"It took me quite a while to find the one that you've always wanted I had to really do a lot of research in finding its kind in its homeland, and I knew you couldn't have one due to your father's allergies to cats. Despite all the other pets your parents suggested to you, the only thing you wanted was this cat." I looked at Kroenen and I actually smiled at him without any fear and tears where still falling down my face
"I don't what to say, thank you this is what I've always wanted a cat but I couldn't." After I said that I kissed the kitten's forehead and snuggled with it
"It's so cute and fluffy." I barely jolted in shocked when I felt Kroenen wrap his arm around me from behind I could tell he was sitting at my level when he did it, as soon as he did that I had a quick thought
"Wait did Kroenen get me this kitten in order to make sure I wouldn't escape? He really thinks ahead doesn't he? He wants me to be more open with him and less terrified, that's his game? But how long can he keep it up though" After I thought that I was quickly surprised I looked down at were his hands where and I saw that they were on the lower part of me hips, and I quickly looked at him
"Hey keep those hands where I can see them." When I said that to him he quickly released his hands off my hips when he did I thought to myself
"I still can't believe Kroenen went this far to make me happy?" While I was still thinking I looked at the kitten in my arms
"Does he know my called for help? No it's too early for that he would have known by know wouldn't he? So much for making my escape easy now that I have the cat of my dreams in my arms now?"

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