Chapter 7

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"Chapter 7. The reality"
"I didn't realize what had happened, but the police sure did. When the hospital opened a few of the employee's saw the police officer's dead bodies along with other employee's working the night shift. Detective Stewart quickly ran to the room where I was in, he kicked the door opened and saw I wasn't there.
"The bastered got her." When he put away his gun he was still speaking to the other officer's
"Send out an amber alert for Danica, we need to find her and quick, who knows what he's going to do with her?"
"When I started waking up I noticed that the hospital bed felt different, more comfortable and firm. I opened my eyes and saw that the sheets where different too, I quickly stood up and saw that I wasn't in my hospital room I was still in my hospital cloths. The room I was in was actually beautiful, it was well furnished clean it felt like a five star hotel.
"Is this a hotel room? How did I get here?" I asked myself that when I looked around the room, I saw that it was twice the size of the hospital room, I heard the door open that got my attention. I wanted to see who brought me to this room, maybe it was my parents and they relocated me? When the door opened I was very shocked to see who it was, the person was Kroenen. I trusted him now I fear him, he kidnapped me and I don't know I am.
"Kroenen? All these years you've been lying to me, and you've been killing innocent people. And worse you killed Zack and Dillan." I quickly got out of the bed and I continued to argue with him
"Just who are you? Why did you do those awful things?" I saw Kroenen walk up to me, I was scared of what he'll do. Not only that I was more terrified seeing that Nazi uniform on him, when he stopped in front of me he was looking right at me not saying a word. Even that send shivers down my spine, since he was wearing that gas mask I couldn't tell how he was feeling let along know how he's looking at me. Then the next thing I knew he was holding me in his arms, I was so surprised but it felt like the time I hugged him when I found out Zack was dead. I really couldn't fight back with my arms hurt, plus I wasn't fully recovered and he knew it. Not long after that he lifted me off the ground and carried me to the bed and he gently placed me sitting down, he dragged a Victorian style chair near me and he sat down on it. As soon as he sat down he started writing on a sheet of paper like he always did and he showed me what he wrote down
"Danica I'm sorry for lying to you all these years, please believe me I didn't know the outcome to this either after I met you?" When I questioned him I looked up at him
"Start telling me the truth now, what's your real name? Who are you really?" After I said that to him he started writing on the paper it took him a few minutes to write it, when he finished he showed me what he wrote again
"My name is Karl Ruprecht Kroenen, Munich, Germany in 1897." I was surprised when I saw the year he was born and I asked him
"Wait 1897? Your over hundred years old?" I saw him nod his head once to me as my answer to my question and I continued reading what he wrote to me
"I wasn't always a Nazi when I was younger I was a musical prodigy, an opera singer until my voice deepened."
"An opera singer, I guess Lolita dresses are a little similar to opera costumes that explains a lot." That's what I said to him before I continued reading
"I know what you're thinking, how am I still alive? When I was around your age I became addicted to surgery, I had an obsession with physical perfection. I did brutal experiments on my own body, which is why I wear this gas mask." I was surprised at what he wrote and I said to him
"Surgical addiction, on yourself? And for physical perfection too?" I saw him nod his head yes once to me and I continued reading
"I also became quite adept mechanical devices, and fusing mechanical constructs with living bodies would help create perfection. My early inventions was a clockwork nightingale that sang a Mozart aria perfectly. And yes it works."
"So you put mechanical devices in your own body?" Kroenen answered my question with another nod
"He's over hundred years old? He's obsessed with perfection and surgery. And he used to be an opera singer?" That's what I thought to myself when I barely looked up at Kroenen, then I started reading again
"In 1930, I met the resurrected Rasputin for the first time. Since I was obsessed with purity, I quickly became Rasputin's most loyal disciple. I also subsequently joined the Nazi Party, and rose quickly through the ranks, joining the Schutzstaffel. Three years after that I achieving the rank of Obersturmbannführer in English it mean lieutenant colonel, I was awarded the Iron Cross for services to the Third Reich, including a tour of duty as commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp where I served with distinction." I started to look worried as I was reading
"I became head of the Thule Society, a group of German aristocrats obsessed with the occult. Yes I was a Nazi scientist one of the top ones. I was also Hitler's top assassin." When I finished reading what he wrote I asked him
"If you obsessed with perfection, then why me? What makes me perfect to you?" I saw his hand reach to me and he gently rubbed the top of my head a few times, when he stopped he got out another piece of paper and started writing on it. And then he showed me what he wrote down
"What makes you perfect to me? Where do I begin on that one? After my master died I didn't know what to do, then I noticed you and your parents one day around nine years ago in Germany." I was surprised when I looked at him and I said
"Nine years ago, when I was when I was six?" I barely made a fist with my good hand when I continued reading
"Your mother is indeed beautiful, but you where the one that caught my interest Danica. And when I first spoke with you and when you told me about being alone, it touched me I felt something I thought I lost. I know it's sick but I couldn't help it. And I've killed those that made you fell upset I didn't want you feeling any sadness" I slowing started to back away from him when I started talking to him
"Ever since I was six years old, and you know that's messed up too. And you've killed those kids just to keep me happy? But why did you kill Zack and Dillan, they never hurt me?" I was surprised what he did next, both of his arms pushed me down on the bed I was sitting on both of his hands where on my shoulders. And he was he on top of me I was so surprised by that I actually started blushing, I looked at both of his hands a few times then I looked at him.
"What's he going to do now? Is he going to operate on me?" That's what I thought to myself it seemed like it, but I was wrong I heard Kroenen's voice for the first time it was low and since he was wearing that mask it sounded a little strange to me on top of that he had a German ascent
"I've know you for a long time, I was your only friend until you reach high school, I've watched you grow up. I gave you all my attention and you gave me yours. When I saw you with that junior kid, I was so enraged I almost it, and when you got injured I just couldn't take it anymore." Hearing Kroenen's voice it wasn't what I really thought, I believed that he never spoke and since he was addicted to surgery he'd lose his voice. I tried to act calm and not show fear to him when I spoke to him
"Your words are sweet, but your actions to others have been bitter and rotten. Kroenen I maybe a living doll, but I have human emotions stronger than yours and what I feel right now towards you might not change?" When I finished speaking to him I felt Kroenen's hands barely loosen their grip of my shoulders, then he stood up off me and I saw him sitting on the ledge of the bed with his back turned to me and he was barely slouched forward like he was thinking.
"Danica I'm well aware of what you think of me now, but that doesn't change how I feel. However I don't think I can stand letting you get hurt again?" I started to look worried when I heard Kroenen say that to me
"Hm Kroenen what does that mean?" He didn't say anything, I saw him stood up and he walked to the door I quickly said to him
"Hey wait you're not going to keep me here are you?" I continued speaking to him when I got off the bed
"Kroenen answer me?" I started running to him before I reached him he shut the door in front of me and I yelled out
"Did you just slam the door in my face?" Right after I said that I heard the door lock and I looked both surprised and worried and I tried to open the door with my good hand
"I don't believe it he locked the door?" That's what I thought to myself then I heard his voice from outside the door
"I'm sorry Danica, like I said I don't want to take my chances. I've come this far and I'm not going back, I think you know what that means?" I heard him walking off and I started banging on the door
"Kroenen you Nazi bastered let me out, open the door! Kroenen, Kroenen!" I heard nothing I fell on the ground on my knees and tears started to for in my eyes
"How could I be so stupid all this time, now look what it's got me into?" I stood up off the ground and really looked around the room
"For an old geezer, he's got expensive taste." I walked over to a white and gold Victorian style dresser and a large mirror that went with it when I touched it I was a little surprised
"This is made out of marble, this looks like something I would put in my room?" As soon as I said that I turned around
"My room? Wait this style of room, looks like a Lolita room Kroenen made this room to something I'm into?" I noticed a room with two doors on it like one of those bathroom door, I walked over to it and I opened the doors. I was right it was a bathroom a beautiful Victorian style, I closed the door and I thought to myself
"Did Kroenen really designed this room for me? Or did he make this whole building for me? Regardless I need to escape, I know it won't be easy and I need to think of something? But knowing him and his past he probably thought ahead?"

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