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Dear Al,

Missing you already. I can't wait to see you and Rose.

My dad took the news that we're dating quite well- I was surprised! Hope you're doing well.

x Piper


Dear Piper,

This is Scorpius. Scorpius Malfoy.

I know you might not want to hear from me, but I just wanted to say I'm really really sorry for what I did.

It was stupid and selfish and I didn't think of your happiness or Albus' at all, just mine.

I hope you two are happy together now.

I know that sorry doesn't do anything to change what I did, but I hope it can make you feel better, at least.



Dear Rose,

Hey. It's Scorpius.

I just wanted to say, again, that I'm really sorry for hurting your cousin and Piper.

I just wanted to say that.

I'm sorry.

I know it can't help much, but... I don't even know why I'm writing this letter.

[smudges of ink]


Hi, Scorpius

I don't think you meant to send that last letter (there was ink everywhere on the bottom) but thanks anyway.

Maybe I was a little harsh before.

You had reasons for what you did. You wanted Albus, and you went the wrong way about it... But I can see why you did what you did.

I forgive you, even if Albus and Piper don't.



Hey, Pipes!

I'd been hoping I would hear from you.

Mum said she'd be happy to have you (and/or Rose) round at some point.

How does two weeks from now sound? Hopefully your dad says yes. And doesn't beat me up for dating his daughter.

(How well is 'quite well', by the way?)

xxx Albus


Dear Al,

I'm upset that you haven't written to me yet. Too busy writing to Piper, I suppose?

See you next week. Dad says he needs to see Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny, so I guess that means I have to put up with you for a bit. You'll be lovesick, won't you?

This is going to be a joke.

xxx Rose



Al said you were complaining to him all through your family gathering last week.

I'm seeing him tomorrow, so please say you haven't made him grumpy. I hate it when he's grumpy.

x Piper


Piper (& Albus, seeing as you're together)

I didn't make him grumpy. He's always grumpy.

He's like that meme. The cat.

Just grumpier.

I don't know how you deal.

Don't have too much fun without me, and don't do anything I wouldn't.

x Rose



We'll be having our last year at Hogwarts this year. I'm kind of scared, but kind of excited too.

Is that bad?

I'm going to miss it.

x Piper



We can tease the younger kids. It'll be fine.

Besides, Hogwarts will still be your home, even when you're gone.

Don't worry.

It'll always be in your heart. Always.

(And I hope I will be, too.)

x Al

This book is over. I thought it would feel different, I guess.

I also thought this chapter would have more of a plot.

This book has been a journey- it's had so many plot holes, so many huge gaps between updates, so much bad writing and mixed up names and misspellings of Quidditch, but you guys have stuck through it with me.

It means the world. Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Stay beautiful, guys, and thank you again! I love you all. Your comments made my day, your votes kept me motivated.

So, finally, thank you. I hope you enjoyed taking this journey with me.

xxxx Charlotte

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