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Happy new year!


Albus scrawled the letter two days after he kissed Piper.

Or Piper kissed him.

He couldn't stop thinking about it... how she'd tasted like strawberry chapstick, how he'd been so cold that he hadn't been able to feel his fingers, and how suddenly, we were touching and he felt every bone, every nerve in his body...

Dear Piper, the note read.

I've been thinking about the kiss, and I think we need to talk about it. About what we are now.

Maybe you don't want to date me, and if you don't... that's okay. That's your decision. But if you think that, would you mind not replying to this letter at all?

I think that would be best. A clean break.

But if you do... if you feel the same way about me as I do about you... meet me at the astronomy tower at twelve pm tomorrow.


Albus debated for a moment, staring at the letter in his hand. It was covered in his untidy handwriting, and suddenly it felt a lot realer now that it was in black and white.

He bit his lip anxiously, turning the parchment over and over in his hands. It... it all felt a little six-year old like to him. But Albus didn't know if he would have the strength to face her if she didn't feel the same way.

Maybe that made him weak. Maybe he didn't deserve to be in Gryffindor after all...

Albus leant against the stone windowpane of the Owlery and gazed out of the window. On the lawn, a bunch of Slytherins clad in green walked towards a tree and sat under it, laughing.

Albus couldn't have felt further away from laughter. His hands were shaking as he beckoned his owl to him, and as he tied the parchment to its leg his hands kept slipping.

Finally, the knot was tied, and Albus whispered 'Piper,' in the owl's ear. It swooped away, up and up and up until Albus couldn't see it anymore.

He stayed by the window until he saw the bird pass by the laughing Slytherins, and then left, his heart heavy and light all at the same time.

I'll know, Albus told himself. By tomorrow, I'll know.

Got any new year's resolutions? I'll tell you mine, cos I can. And the first one involves you.

1) I'm going to update a book a week all through this year! So that means more Frail for you guys. Whooh!

2) I'm going to finish 2 books this year. And seeing as I have a clear plan for how I want the rest of Frail to go, it's likely this will be finished by January 2018.. whoa.

3) Some running shit you don't need to know about.

Have you got any new year's resolutions? You should. They're cool. And only 8% of the population actually completes them, so you need to be part of the 8%. Just cos.


Frail ❃ Albus PotterWhere stories live. Discover now