18 | Goodbye World

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Chapter Eighteen

I narrowed my eyes, trudging through the bright forest.

"Hello? Is anyone out here?" I called out, stepping across the dirt and mulch. "Damon? Stefan?"

My hand shot up to my mouth when I spotted Enzo, standing straight and tall across the way.

"Enzo?" I whimpered, my eyebrows furrowing. "How- where am I? Am I dead?"

Enzo stroked my cheek before he intertwined his hand in mine. "Sorry, love. But it's not your time." he avowed.

My eyes and mouth shot open, and I took in a huge breath, relieved to feel air in my lungs.

"Cassidy.." Stefan whispered, kneeling beside me with tears in his eyes.

I sat upright with his assistance, looking around the room, panting.


"Stefan, we- we have to find Bonnie." I announced, attempting to rise to my feet, nearly losing my balance in the process. "If this happened to me because of the bell, then the same thing happened to her."

"But your heart stopped. You died again." Stefan acknowledged, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Then so did Bonnie's." I breathed with wide-eyes.

Once we found Bonnie, Stefan restarted her heart with the old human method of CPR.

She claimed she saw Elena, just like how I'd seen Enzo.

However, we have a more important matter on our hands at the moment.

Apparently, Vicki Donovan is back, and plans on ringing the Maxwell bell again and again until she destroys Mystic Falls, and is granted peace.

Matt had to initiate evacuation protocol, informing the townspeople that it was yet again, another gas leak.

Now that Katherine Pierce is walking the Earth, her first order of business was to hide my sister's body, allowing Bonnie, Ric, and the girls to safely leave town and head towards the Armory.

Stefan was on the hunt for Elena, meanwhile Damon and I searched for a way to end Katherine once and for all.

"The boiler room..there is a horror movie reference in there somewhere, but it escapes me." Damon breathed into his phone as we trekked through the woods.

"I'm fine, but she's trapped." Stefan acknowledged, referring to my sister. "We're running out of time. You have to get Katherine to break the spell."

"Little Gilbert and I are all over it." Damon assured, taking the phone away from his face, ending the call.

The two of us spun around to see Katherine leaning up against a tree.

I narrowed my eyes, inspecting her figure.

"Need something?" she perked, folding her arms with a smirk.

"You're like a bad penny." I scowled, gaining her attention. "Then again, most pennies avoid corrosion and aging..but you look pretty rusty to me."

"Funny thing about that bone dagger. It sends me to hell, but it can't keep me there. I'm sorry.." she fake-whined, smiling. "Oh- and if you wanna know how to get Elena free, you can't. Kai Parker was kind enough to set that trap for me..you know Kai, right Cassidy? I heard you two really hit it off..like- fireworks and everything."

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