(Legolas x Reader) The Final Wish

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A cry enrolled with terror sounded from the burning elven camp below the two elves, who had positioned themselves gracefully in an ancient tree. The she-elf, (Y/N), fought back tears as she silently wondered who had owned the voice, but her brokenness and fear for her people's safety would not subside.

"It is time," (Y/N) heard her brother mutter quietly.

"Are you certain that this is the only way, Elvoldur?" she asked in little more than a hushed whisper.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). We swore that even with our dying breaths, we would protect our people," he replied with a melancholic tone. (Y/N) sighed and swiftly unsheathed her twin daggers, prepared for what she and her brother both thought would be the final battle of their lives.

Elvoldur scanned the warzone from their secluded spot. He shook his head as he saw his older-than-the-seas uncle omit a ridiculous battle cry as he charged towards an orc and attempted to beat him with a small twig. The two siblings laughed half-heartedly as their uncle ran as swiftly as a deer from a now infuriated orc and towards cover.

"He was never a skilled warrior, but he truly does know how to run," Elvodur remarked.

"Yes," was all that (Y/N) could manage to say. She knew that she would have to join the chaos before her very soon, and so she found it very difficult to think of anything or anyone else.

"Elvoldur! (Y/N)! Any time would be wonderful!" their uncle, Elbrin, screeched as he cowered under a fallen log, hiding from the enraged orc, "I wouldn't mind some help, either!"

Without another thought, (Y/N) leapt down from her chosen tree branch and raced towards the orc. Swiftly with her twin blades she decapitated it, a sight which caused Elbrin to cheer.

"Take this!" (Y/N) called as she tossed a sword to her uncle with ease. He examined it carefully, as though unsure what to do with it. Despite the fact that the three were a family of elves, (Y/N) and Elvoldur's uncle had never truly come to understand that he had the capabilities to be a wise, graceful creature.

"Uncle Elbrin! You use swords to fight!" Elvoldur called out to him as he himself engaged in the heated battle. Elbrin nodded and began to gently tap a nearby attacker on his shoulder with the flat side of the blade. The orc turned and growled deeply before pursing the foolish elf all around the surrounding area.

"Elbrin!" (Y/N) cried.

"(Y/N)! He will be alright! Please focus on the task at hand!" Elvoldur's call omitted from several meters behind her. She turned and observed that he had defeated his last rival and was now combating what you may describe as a fathomless orc. And to (Y/N)'s immense distress and horror, the beast was winning.

As she watched helplessly from afar, (Y/N) was ambushed. The orc smelled of unthinkable horrors, and the scent repulsed the young she-elf.

The orc unsheathed his long, hooked sword, and he held it to (Y/N)'s neck.

Laughing terribly, the orc said, "Goodbye, she-elf!"

Just as he was prepared to finally kill her, (Y/N) leapt away with great agility and swiftly threw her dagger at the orc, the lethal blade meeting its mark squarely in the orc's chest.

The monster fell, and (Y/N) cried out victoriously. She gracefully ran to the beast's side and removed her bloodied dagger. She turned to face the remainder of the orc army.

However, as she began searching for another target, she heard a sound which stopped her heart.

Hee brother's anguished cry echoed throughout the land, and (Y/N) was immensely weakened by its horrible sound.

LOTR/The Hobbit Characters X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now