V. Mine & Only Mine

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Note: N-Pov is gonna stand for Narrator Pov from now on.


Just being around her more was driving Chanyeol to do strange things. And the random kiss was one of those strange things. But than again, Hyeri is his mate and within the first seconds of seeing her, Chanyeol knew he was caught. Line, hook, and sinker.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Everyone heard Chanyeol shout from upstairs as came the sounds of feet stomping hurriedly down the second floor stairs then the down the the first floor.

"H-hey! Stop right there!" Chanyeol's voice turned into a threatening one and all eyes turned to look behind Yixing, who turned slowly in confusion and saw Hyeri standing not far from him with her cheeks red.

Yixing silently stared for a moment then his eyes traveled to behind the girl where his friend stood, with a smug look on his face, which they hadn't seen in a while.

"Don't you dare even take one more step towards Yixing!" Chanyeol threatened as he walked closer to Hyeri, who had felt the pull towards him, and ended up taking a step forward towards Yixing to try and get away. The next thing that happened had everyone shocked in their seats.

Chanyeol reached to grab Hyeri's wrist then swung her back into the wall behind him and now his back was to the eleven others in the room.

"Was I not clear?" Chanyeol's voice deepened as his arms went to her sides. "C-Chanyeol, what are you doing?!" Baekhyun shouted as he and the others stood up in case their friend was planning to do something crazy.

But Chanyeol ignored them as he stared at Hyeri straight in the eyes as he leaned in. "Didn't I say not to attempt to sit next to anyone other than me?" If it was possible, his voice had deepened as he inched closer until he was as close as they were in the bedroom.

     Minutes before..
Chanyeol moved back an inch for Hyeri to breathe and stared down at her. Somehow they had shifted and he was now on top of her nearly sucking the life out of her with a smirk on his face.

"H-hey!" Hyeri stuttered then hit his arm with a pout on her face. "What?" Chanyeol asked as if he'd done nothing wrong. "Y-you- H-" She couldn't finish her own sentence since she was in shock. Hyeri stared up at him, still trying to comprehend what had happened and what exactly was this pull doing to her. To them...

Chanyeol couldn't help but let his grin widen as he stared down at the flustered girl laying under him. "Let me make something clear," He paused then leaned his head down until his lips hovered over the mark that he'd just made on her neck.

"You're mine." He whispered then pressed his lips onto the spot where he'd mark her and kissed it. The spot he wanted to mark her as his, right in that moment.

"When we go downstairs, you sit by me. If you even dare sit by anyone else, I'll mark you again. Right here." He whispered in a threatening way as his lips trailed up towards the spot he'd found moments ago, a spot below her ear that made her a moaning mess. Lucky him, and Hyeri especially, that every room in the house was soundproof..

"I warned you, didn't I?" Chanyeol muttered as his lips neared the spot. "H-hey... There's other's in the room!" Hyeri muttered nervously hoping that having others in the room would stop him as she put her hands on his chest to push him back slowly.

"Chanyeol!" Suho warned him but the younger member was long gone from the moment she threatened to sit next to someone else. Now Chanyeol's wolf was out to play, and he didn't listen to the others as he left an open kiss on the said spot; and her eyes went wide as her heartbeat picked up.

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