XVII. The Cat Excuse

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Note: I won't be posting the other WS stories besides WS:M. So if you'd like to keep reading them, you can follow me on IG (crimsinations) or Wattpad (crimsinfics)


"Really!?" Yixing shouted as Sooyoung sat beside Sohee, she smiled at Hyeri then looked back to Yixing. "You of all should have seen the signs." Sohee stated and Yixing sighed as he put his head down.

"I sort of knew. I just didn't voice it out in case I was wrong." Yixing muttered just as Junmyeon stepped into the room, chuckling as he held a cup of water.

"I knew from the moment her scent changed and she started beating Chanyeol up almost every second of the day.. And night." Junmyeon stated with a grin.

Wait! Stop. Let's rewind and explain everything from the beginning. It all started when-

"Kyungsoo~" Hyeri sang as she walked into the kitchen, only to come face to face with an angry Kyungsoo, glaring holes into her.

"What?" Kyungsoo tone was calm but his expression said anything but that. "Kyungsoo~" Hyeri batted her eyes innocently and smiled but he ignored that.

"What do you want, Hyeri?" Kyungsoo asks and Hyeri pouted. "Fine. I'm hungry." She stated and he sighed but nodded and pointed at her.

"Stay. You are now banned from this kitchen unless I or one of the others is with you!" Kyungsoo growled then walked towards the cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips.

"Here. Now go back to the living room and don't come until dinner is set!" Hyeri grinned then grabbed the chips while nodding and doing as told.

"Hyeri, wh- oh chips!" Sooyoung sprung up and ran towards Hyeri as she held the bag out for the younger girl to get some. "Thank you!" Sooyoung grinned as she held a chip up towards Hyeri then pounced back onto the couch.

"Hyeri~ Give me some, please?" Chanyeol begged but Hyeri shot him a glare and he sucked in a breath. "Okay, okay- I will shut up. So angry..." He muttered just as the other three came from the office.

"Whipped!" Jongin teased but got a smack in the back of his head by Minseok. "Shut up, kid." Minseok told Jongin then smiled at Hyeri. "You look happy with those chips." He said and she grinned while nodding.

"I found my new mate!" Hyeri teased, which made Minseok and Junmyeon laughed as Jongin snickered.

"Husbands, I'm home!!" A different voice shouted as the door was swung open and Hyeri looked towards the person. "Oh?! And someone new!" The girl said with a smile.

"I'm Sohee." Sohee greeted Hyeri, then looked towards Sooyoung. It was than that Hyeri saw their resemblance. Sooyoung had a gentle look with light honey colored eyes, and her sister had the same but darker shade of hair color.

"Hey! That's why you're a fatty! Drop those chips, now!" Sohee shouted as she took off a shoe and threw it at Sooyoung. "You are so mean! Have you been talking to Sehu-" Sooyoung started but got cut off by her sister.

"Where is that kid?! How dare he kidnap my baby sister in the middle of the night! I should find a volcano and shove him in it!" Sohee growled as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Kyungsoo! Yixing! Where is that punk?!" Sohee shouted and they responded quickly, which made her walk up the stairs. "Oh Sehun!!" She shouted banging on all the doors.

"Sohee, you won't be able to get into the rooms upstairs." Junmyeon informed her, and she stopped then came into viewpoint. "Why?" She asked and he pointed to Hyeri.

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