XIII. The Heat: 01

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"Someone pass the bacon." Luhan muttered as they all sat at the table for breakfast. "The Bacon is sitting right beside you!" Jongdae said with a grin and got a glare in return from Baekhyun.

"Guys, can you not start another fight. It's too early for that." Junmyeon muttered, then glanced up from his plate to look at Hyeri. Chanyeol also couldn't help but to keep glancing at his mate.

Hyeri looked terrible when the two of them had woken up. Her face looked like someone splashed her with water. Her cheeks were almost red as if she ran a marathon. And her temperature was like a sauna.

"Hyeri, are you feeling alright?" Junmyeon asked and Chanyeol sighed, then lifted his hand to feel her forehead- only to pull it back with a hiss.

"Hyeri, you said you were fine! Why didn't you tell me your temperature went up more?!" Chanyeol scold Hyeri, but she just shrugged it off.

"I feel fine." Hyeri muttered as she finished up the last of her breakfast, and Chanyeol shook his head at his mate. "You aren't fine!" He growled out then turned to Yixing.

"Lay, can you please check her and prove to her that she isn't fine!" Chanyeol said and Yixing just nodded then got out of his seat, and went around to stand beside Hyeri.

"Did you check her temperature earlier?" Yixing asked and Chanyeol nodded. "It was at a hundred and two." Chanyeol informed him, but caught a quick roll of the eyes by his mate- Hyeri.

"I feel fine, Chanyeol. I just need to sleep, and because you kept me up last night, you will not be leaving that room until I wake up!" Hyeri hissed at Chanyeol and his eyes widened at her.

Hyeri usually wasn't snappy. She had always been calm and quiet. Not a walking time bomb. Yixing stared down at Hyeri and chuckled after she snapped at Chanyeol.

"She's fine, Chanyeol. But I do suggest that you stay by her side, and maybe for everyone's safety- please stay in your room." Yixing tells Chanyeol then went back to his seat without bothering to check Hyeri.

"Why what's wrong wi-" Tao started but then he muttered something and then grinned. "I'll bring you some snacks to stock up for the week, Hyeri!" He tells her happily and she smiled while nodding.

"I just now understood that.. Now I feel awkward and slightly grossed out." Jongdae muttered out as he shivered and dropped his fork, then got up quickly and cleaned his mess.


By dinner time Hyeri became more calm than earlier during the day, but still a bit snappy. She was hot, annoyed, tired, and in pain from being too hot. Too much feelings all bundled together and Hyeri didn't like it one bit.

The only thing that was keeping her from going insane was Chanyeol. Even the slightest touch from Chanyeol and it would relieve some of the emotions and almost entirely removed the pain and discomfort.

"I'm sleepy." Hyeri mutter with her head on Chanyeol's shoulder while he finished his food. "Hyeri, you're making me hot." Chanyeol muttered but patted her thigh gently with his free hand.

"Chanyeol ~" Hyeri whined as she tried to snuggle closer to get more comfortable. "Hm?" Chanyeol hummed as he drank water from his cup.

The others around the table had gone silent. They couldn't believe how she was just snuggling up to Chanyeol as if they weren't in the room. After all, this was quiet Hyeri they were watching in front of their eyes.

Hyeri didn't reply but instead, she tucked her head into the crook of Chanyeol's neck and nipped him, which caused the poor guy to freeze in his movements and his eyes widened.

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