XXI. The Visit

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"Hyeri?" Chanyeol called out into the hallway then spotted Tao walking his way. "Tao, have you seen Hyeri?" Chanyeol asked and the younger one nodded.

"I saw her downstairs around an hour ago! She was playing card games with Luhan in the living room." Tao told Chanyeol as they both made their way down the stairs.

"Cheater!" Chanyeol heard his mate hiss followed by Luhan laughing. "I did not! You're just a rookie at this game!" Luhan teased and Hyeri groaned.

"I quit!" Hyeri hissed as Chanyeol and Tao entered the living room. Chanyeol saw her sitting on the couch with Luhan across from her and cards in the middle.

"Yeol, he's cheating!" Hyeri cried as she put her cards down- facing down with a pout on her face. "I am not! I literally just taught you how to play this game, you're still new at it!" Luhan laughed as he defended himself.

"Whatever." Hyeri rolled her eyes and Tao grinned as he sat beside her. "I'll take over!" Tao called out as he grabbed her cards.

"Go ahead. Chanyeol and I are going to visit my dad now anyways." Hyeri said and the two nodded. "Tell him that we said hello!" Tao said and she nodded as she pulled Chanyeol's arm to follow her.

"Remind me why I will be staying with my dad for a few days?" Hyeri asked as she dragged Chanyeol back up the stairs to their room.

"Suho and the others, and I too, think it's best that you won't be here or at the pack house if anything happens. It might put stress on the baby." Chanyeol said but paused to grab his jacket.

"I would leave you with my parents but they will be out of town for a month or two to deal with a project in Japan." Chanyeol sighed.

"They even suggested that I should leave you where you can be protected and not alone, so I can't bring you to my apartment." Chanyeol ended his explanation as he moved around the room, getting Hyeri's two bags that were packed with some of her things.

"Fine.. But you better visit me!" Hyeri glared at Chanyeol while she sat on the bed. "Of course I will, who do you think I am?" Chanyeol muttered before nodding towards the door.

"Come on. Your dad said that he will be home by five, and it's already twenty past five." Chanyeol reminded Hyeri and she sighed but got off the bed.


Six hours without my mate is torture.. I knew I should have taken her father's offer to stay there for the night. Chanyeol grumbled in his head.

"Chanyeol? Can you hear me?" Jongdae nudged Chanyeol's arm and he groaned while slapping his friend's arm away. "He's dying! Go bring Hyeri back!" Jongdae shouted and Chanyeol heard Minseok chuckle.

"He is not dying, Jongdae. He's just going through withdrawals." Minseok said as he walked into the living room.

"Whipped!" Kris teased from the other couch and I looked over at him to glare at him. "Mated. Unlike a certain someone." Chanyeol growled at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm enjoying my life, bro. I'm not tied down." Kris said and a scoff echoed the room from the dark corner, making Chanyeol tense up, as did the others in the room.

It was seven minutes past midnight and the only lights that they had on was the tv in the living room, where most of then were gathered to just relax.

Baekhyun, who was sitting at the end of the couch where Chanyeol's feet were on his lap, tilted his nose up then frowned.

"I thought Sera told you guys to be aware of your surroundings more?" Jungkook stepped into the lit area and shook his head.

"If I were an intruder, you would all be dead by now." Jungkook told then then looked at Junmyeon. "Where's the others?" Jungkook asked. "Boarder patrol. Why?" Junmyeon said to him.

"You can let them know later then." Jungkook muttered as he sat beside Jongin and Yumi. "I'm just here to relay a message from Sera." Jungkook said to them and Baekhyun sat up straight.

"She's been with you? Is she st-" Baekhyun was asking but Jungkook cut him off.

"She isn't staying with us. She has her own home. She used Jinwoo's phone since they moved in with her." Jungkook tells Baekhyun with a blank expression.

"Anyways. The hunters have been snooping and she said to tell you guys that she thinks that you should get your girls to a much more guarded place." Jungkook paused then spoke again.

"Well- not much in those words but still. The pack house is safer for Jiyeon and Yumi." Jungkook said as he glanced between the two girls.

"You haven't mentioned my mate. Hyeri. Why is that?" Chanyeol asked Jungkook. And Jungkook smirked.

"You guys clearly don't know who Sera is, do you?" Jungkook asked as he slowly turned to look between Junmyeon and Baekhyun.

"We know that you are the first person who she ever turned into a vampire. She killed her sister-" Junmyeon said and Jungkook cut him off.

"Is that all you know? Just the basics?" Jungkook sounded a little annoyed as his eyes went to Baekhyun and kept a hard expression on his face.

"Is there something we are missing? I mean, we didn't really have time to get to know her. My mate did spend a bit more time with her but not enough to know everything." Junmyeon tells Jungkook- who sighed.

"Listen, I don't have the right to tell you about her, and I only came relay the message. Just do as she says or things might turn up worse than supposed to." Jungkook stood up and looked at Junmyeon only.

"All I can say is that it won't be written in the scrolls, but the elders of each pack knows a little bit of her story. Ask them if you really want to know." Jungkook told Junmyeon then looked down at Baekhyun with a frown clear as day.

"You really shouldn't mess with Sera. Kim Taeyeon's family has a long line of traitorous blood running through her veins, and if Sera finds out that she is a descendant.." Jungkook paused and shook his head.

"Taeyeon would never hear the end of it, and her pack might not have a nice record as they do right now. It won't matter if it's just the girls and her." Jungkook paused and sighed.

"There's a reason I stay clear of being close with any of them." Jungkook said before walking around the couches to get to the front door.

Chanyeol finally sat up and turned to see Jungkook pause after opening the door.

"Ask your elders about this name- the 'records' has bits and pieces of Sera's story." Jungkook said as he glanced back at them and then stared at Baekhyun. "Kim. Hae. Yeon."


Note: I just wanna make it clear that I have nothing against Taeyeon.

I actually (really) like her music.

I'm not a fan of Taeyeon (my cousin is) but I respect the GG's.

Major respect since they are the older gen & they made good songs, and even separately they still do.

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