XV. The Light Bulb

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Silence was the only thing heard when Chanyeol stepped out of the room, and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Peace and quiet. Finally! I won't have anyo- He was thinking to himself but got interrupted.

"Chanyeol!" A hand grabbed Chanyeol's shoulder and he was pulled back into the hallway by a grinning Jongdae. "So~" Jongdae asked and Chanyeol sighed before removing his hand.

"Did yo-" Jongdae was cut off by Tao shoving him aside and replacing him. "Did you fully mark Hyeri?! How was it? Was it h-" Tao was asking all at one time, but was cut off by Kris shoving his face out of Chanyeol's view.

"Ignore them, they're weird and nosy." Kris muttered as he walked into the kitchen. "Suho told us not to bother you guys while you rest, so we all split your chores until Hyeri is feeling better and not 'moody'." Kris told Chanyeol as he was putting a glass of water for himself.

"So," Yixing said as he stepped next to Chanyeol, who flinched from being startled. "Where the hell did you come from?! You scared me!" Chanyeol hissed but Yixing just shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you complete the mating process or only just mark her? Her heat won't fully end from it being painful unless you complete the process. You do remember that, right?" Yixing reminded Chanyeol, who nodded and went back to looking for food.

"We completed it." Chanyeol mumbled since he knew that they would hear him. "That's good then, just remember how it goes or we might have a mad mate in the house." Yixing reminds him and he just nodded in silence.

"Kyungsoo left some food in the fridge, I think he marked it with your names." Tao told Chanyeol as he walked to Kris and snatched the older member's water.

"Yo-" Kris growled at Tao but Chanyeol ignored their bickering and went to grab the food that was mentioned.

Chanyeol was silently making the food warm again- when he caught his mate's scent and he turned around, and saw her surrounded by his four pack mates.

"Wow! Look at that mark!" Jongdae said then turned and gave Chanyeol a thumbs up, then went back to staring at Hyeri's mark. "Will all of our marks look like that?" Tao asked and Yixing nodded as he looked at the mark.

I admit that the cursive EXO and my initials along the curves of the mark looks good on my mate. Chanyeol thought to himself with a small proud smile on his face.

"The elders did say our pack has the crescent moon mark with our pack name and our initials curving with it. I must admit- I thought it would look lame but if it all is cursive, I like the style." Yixing said but then looked up at Hyeri's face.

"Ah! Sorry, Hyeri!" Yixing muttered then whacked Kris and Tao then nodded to Hyeri's flushed face. "Stop staring!" Hyeri hissed as she grabbed Jongdae by the collar of his shirt and glared at him straight in the eyes.

"C-Chanyeol! A little help?!" Jongdae whined as he held his hands up in defense, but Chanyeol just shrugged his shoulders with a grin.

"Chanyeol!!" Jongdae whined again and Chanyeol rolled his eyes then walked up to his adorable angry mate; and then wrapped his arms around Hyeri's waist.

"Hyeri~" Chanyeol muttered. "Let go of Jongdae before your food gets cold, hm? Aren't you hungry?" He said to Hyeri and she silently nodded then let go of Jongdar, but still glared at him and the others.

"Feisty! I like this side of you, Hyeri!" Chanyeol and Hyeri heard Jongin shout from behind, then he came to stand beside them. "I like 'mean Hyeri'. She's so fun!" Jongin tells them then patted her head before walking into the kitchen.


"She looked like she was going to rip his head right off!" Jongin was grinning at the dinner table as he told everyone else what happened earlier during the day.

"That would make our life easier, no prankster and one less mouth to feed." Kris smiled that seemed more like a smirk, as he sat back against his chair with a glass of water in his hand. "That is just- mean, Kris. Very mean." Jongdae muttered as he poked at his spaghetti.

"If a light bulb can be turned off and thrown away even if it's still useful for other things, and you can replace it. Then oh well- it ran it's course but maybe the newer light bulb would be better." Kris said as he cleared his plate and cup then left the table to clean his dishes.

"Did Kris just call me a useless light bulb?" Jongdae asked everyone as he had a confused expression on his face. "I think he did." Luhan smirked as he too cleaned up his mess and left the table.

"Be happy that he didn't refer to you as a piece of paper." Chanyeol tells them then lifted his and Hyeri's plates and stood up. "Or even a piece of gum." Luhan muttered.

Chanyeol looked at Hyeri. "Come on, let's plot against Jongdae. Perhaps we can plan his death with Kris and Luhan." He grinned and Hyeri pouted in disapproval.

Even if Jongdae had his moments of annoying them, he had grown on Hyeri. Chanyeol stared at her for another second then his face went blank. "Or not..." He muttered.


After dinner, Chanyeol brought Hyeri outside to get some air for more than two hours, but the sunlight had just gone down an hour ago and everyone was out on patrol. So once again, it was just him and Hyeri- who has a bad habit of ignoring him.

"Are you going to pay attention to me now?" Chanyeol asked with a pout as Hyeri sat on the couch cuddled up beside him just reading a book, and he was stuck watching a movie alone.

"I want to finish this chapter." Is all he heard from her, and that has all he kept hearing for nearly two hours.

Chanyeol growled lightly and shifted so he was laying down on the couch with his head on his mate's lap. "You said that almost two hours ago!" He growled and Hyeri just shrugged her shoulders a little.

"I just got to the good part." Hyeri said to Chanyeol as she took a quick glance down at him. Chanyeol sent her a small glare.

Chanyeol was a little annoyed but not with his mate. It was towards his wolf, since his wolf had been going insane since the night before, and he was struggling to hold him back from attacking Hyeri on the couch.

It was normal. Usually when someone who's a werewolf finds their mate, they are drawn to the person. Drawn to the person like a moth to a flame.

The person who they are paired to is their 'other half' or mostly known as their 'mate' or what normal humans call 'soul mate'. Without them each other, they would most likely feel empty or almost empty. Like a puzzle piece missing from a puzzle.

When they mark their mate, the mark not only marks the person as their own, showing that the person is taken, and also drives off the unmated most of the times

But when they are marked, whoever is the werewolf or if both are, would feel more attached and over protective. Some are a little more than that, especially if their mate is not fully marked.

There are three main and very important stages. First: Finding them. Second: Marking. Third: Mating.

But since Chanyeol and Hyeri had completed the mating process, his wolf wanted nothing more than to act like a h- a rabbit.

Chanyeol grinned mischievously as he looked from her face and then down to her waist, and the ends of her shorts where his face was laying.

"I bet I can take your mind off that book in a heartbeat." Chanyeol's voice dropped and Hyeri glanced at him for a second before ignoring him again.


Don't forget that if you want to read the unpublished WS stories or perhaps any other story that I might end up writing- then follow me on insta @ crimsinations (yes I changed the @)

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