XIV. The Heat: 02

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Note: This chapter has changed because as we all know by now-

I suck at writing any form of smut & werewolf mating type of details 😬


Hot. Too hot. Hyeri's temperature had gone up and Chanyeol wasn't around since the time that she had woken up around 2 something.

"It's so hot." Hyeri muttered to herself as she rolled the thin blanket off, then sat up and looked at the clock. 3:45 a.m. Another wave of pain hit her and she bent forward trying to hold back the tears.

This is what the female mates deal with?! It's like rolling around in hell! I probably look pitiful right now. Crying and whimpering like a little kid- who got a tiny paper cut. Hyeri frowned at her thoughts, but still tried to stay as quiet as she could.

Noisy and needy is not my style! I refuse to give in t- Hyeri thought as she clutched her sides, hugging herself and praying to the gods for the pain to go away.

"Hyeri?" Hyeri heard the one voice that always made feelings stir in her and made her feel all warm and 'fuzzy' inside. She looked up towards the doorway to see Chanyeol with nothing but 'yoga' pants on.

"Cha-" Hyeri started to mutter but another wave hit and she curled up again, scrunching her face as her fingers dug into her sides. "Hyeri!" Chanyeol sounded worried as the door shut and in seconds the bed was dipping.

"Baby, I'm so sorry.. I got up to get a drink of water, but Sehun came back all scratched up and Lay is asleep. I-" Chanyeol was saying but Hyeri cut him off by clinging onto him, not caring where or why he was gone.

She just wanted her mate near her while her body rolled around in the hell that they called 'heat'. Chanyeol sighed as he pulled her closer and he moved to sit back against the headboard.

Hyeri secretly enjoyed it whenever he held her and they just laid around, but this time- she couldn't ignore the pain from how hot she was feeling.

Everything felt like a hot iron was being pressed against her entire inner body and she didn't like it. "Make it stop.. I dont care what you do- just make it stop!" Hyeri muttered.

Chanyeol's heart clenched at Hyeri's begging, and his wolf couldn't keep still at the sound of their mate being in pain.

'Chanyeol, the pain will be too much if you don't at least mark her.' Yixing had told him earlier during the day. But what if sh- Chanyeol was thinking but got cut off by his mate whining.

"Chanyeol.. please.." Hyeri's face showed discomfort and she had sweat dripping down the side of her face.

"Hyeri.." Chanyeol muttered and wiped her tears away then moved to lay her down as he lay beside her. "The only thing I can do to make it st-" He was cut off by her small whine.

"Just do it." Hyeri whined and Chanyeol sighed. "Hyeri, that would mean I will have to mark you fully. Do-" She growled then grabbed his face. "Mark me. Do whatever it takes to make it end." Hyeri breathed out as she stared at Chanyeol in the eyes.

"I love you, and I don't want to hurt you. Are you sure? I can probably wake Lay t-" Chanyeol was cut off again but this time- he was cut off by Hyeri kissing him.

Mark her. The words danced around in Chanyeol's head as he cupped her face with his left hand, while his right hand went down to her waist and he pulled her closer so no space was between them.

"Fine.. It might hurt but I'll try to make it less painful, okay, baby?" Chanyeol tells Hyeri and she just nodded.

Chanyeol took one last look at Hyeri, then lowered his head back down to where her mark would be between her neck and collarbone- then let his wolf take over.


Warm and comfy. Hyeri hummed in contentment while snuggling closer to the warmth.

The sound of a heart beating made a smile make it's way onto her face, and her arms wrapped tightly around the one person who could make her feel thar safe and warmth.

Hyeri sighed in content as she slowly opened her eyes- her head tilted slightly back; and she stared up at Chanyeol's sleeping face.

Chanyeol had bags under his eyes and it made Hyeri feel guilty, knowing that she was the reason for them. He stayed up until I fell asleep- after he'd fully marked me as his. His.. Hyeri thought as she bit her bottom lip and grinned.

Hyeri liked knowing that she was his. Chanyeol was there when she needed him to be; and if he wasn't then he would be at my side just in time- like he had been hours before.

"Go back to sleep, Hyeri." Chanyeol muttered then tightened his grip on Hyeri's waist and tugged her closer. "But I'm hungry." Hyeri muttered and watch his peaceful face turn to being slightly scrunched up.

"What time is it?" Chanyeol muttered and Hyeri leaned up to look over at the clock on the nightstand behind him. "Almost two." She told him before looking back to him.

Chanyeol then muttered something that Hyeri couldn't catch- then he slowly opened his eyes and a smile came onto his face.

"What are you hungry for?" Chanyeol asked Hyeri, and she shrugged her shoulders- so he just nodded as he got up off the bed.

"Get washed up and change, while I will go and see if there's any food left from lunch, okay?" He told her and she nodded in silence while smiling; which made him chuckle before leaving the room.


Note: I was going to make this a full M rated chapter but because there might be some younger readers (you little naughty rascals... but I won't judge lmao) who are reading-

& I suck at smut-

I will keep these two as fluffy dorks~

Also- the whole mating thing. I don't know how that is supposed to be but I wrote this so long ago & I just followed what others did with their own wolf stories... rip originality 🤧

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