XII. The Bite

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Days later...

It didn't take long for Hyeri to get bored with the cartoons that Kris was watching; while Luhan was playing games on his iPad.

After a while, Chanyeol dragged Hyeri back to their room; and after a few minutes, they were glaring at each other. Why? Well-


Chanyeol glared at his mate then looked down at his arm. "You bit me.." He blinked at the teeth marks then looked at Hyeri again. "You bit me!" Chanyeol shouted as he was still shocked that she bit him.

She is the first girl who had ever bitten me, ever! Chanyeol thought to himself. "You bit me!!" He shoved his arm out to show Hyeri, and her glare softened as she looked down at his arm.

"Oh.. My teeth marks show. Do I really have that much?" Chanyeol's eyes widened as Hyeri looked back up at him with a blank expression.

To Chanyeol, she was too cute to be mad at. Even if Hyeri was to shoot him with a gun, he could never stay mad at her. His adorable and smart little mate had him wrapped around her fingers.

"Do yo-" Chanyeol paused and scoffed while he glared at her. "Come here!" Chanyeol growled but had a grin on his face and Hyeri backed up, but he pounced and grabbed her by the waist.

"Do you have any clue how hard you bit me!?" Chanyeol asked Hyeri and watched her try to get out from his grip. "I'm sorry. I won't bite you again." She pouted and he shook his head.

"B-but you really shouldn't have tickled me! I told you n-" Hyeri was saying but Chanyeol cut her off with a quick peck on the lips, then grinned down at his mate as her eyes widened.

"You shouldn't have bit me." Chanyeol told her as his grin turned to a smirk and he leaned down. "Bu-" She started but he cut her off with another kiss.

"Stop that!" Hyeri glared up at Chanyeol and he couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she looked with her cheeks turning red.

"Stop what?" Chanyeol played dumb and she hit his arm. "St-" Hyeri started but he cut her off again. "This?" He asked and kissed her again.


"Baby~" Chanyeol found himself whining in front of his entire pack as they were all gathered in the living room for movie night.

"I am never going to hear that word the same again." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol immediately turned and glared at his pack member.

"I think I'm going to puke my guts out!" Jongdae said out loud and unluckily for him, he was sitting just one foot away from Chanyeol and Hyeri.

"Ouch! Chanyeol you big ear idiot!" Jongdae hissed at Chanyeol after being softly kicked. After Jongdae got his balance back, he tried to hit back but Chanyeol moved and turned his attention back to Hyeri.

"Hyeri, why are you ignoring Chanyeol anyway?" Sehun asked as he turned to look at her instead of the movie. "Shush, Sehun!" Chanyeol hissed and Sehun quickly held his hands up in surrender before turning his attention back to the tv again.

"Hyeri.." Chanyeol whined again as he tucked his face against Hyeri's neck. Usually she would give in, but not this time. "Hyeri, I said I was sorry. Please talk to me?" He begs but she continue ignoring him.

Hyeri internally flinched when she heard Junmyeon sigh, then he patted her knee. "Hyeri, perhaps you both should go talk it out in the room. He won't stop until you do." Junmyeon suggested.

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