VII. The Chat

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Note: This chapter has some parts that have been added or taken out.

Warning: Unedited


Hyeri sat silently at the window seat and sighed as she stared out the window. The snow was falling still, like it had done the day she got lost while adventuring.

Hyeri didn't mind the company of the guys, but she was embarrassed at the moment. After all, who wouldn't be if they were the person that the night's teasing was directed at. So to say she was extremely glad dinner was over would be an understatement.

"Oh! You're still awake?!" Hyeri heard Tao call out from behind her, so she turned to face him and nodded. "I thought you and Chanyeol went to sleep?" Tao asked as he went and sat beside her.

"I couldn't sleep so I came down, and then I felt like sitting by the window." Hyeri explained as she turned her attention back to outside. "Suho hyung said you'll be leaving soon.." Tao muttered and she shrugged.

"Lay hyung suggested it, since you're well now. Are you glad to be going home?" Tao asked as he went to sit beside her.

Home? I missed it, a lot, but these boys had grown on me. I wasn't so sure if I really did want to go home now. Hyeri thought to herself and shrugged her shoulders, and stayed silent as she stared out the window.

"Chanyeol won't deal well with you leaving." Tao muttered and Hyeri looked over to him. "He doesn't need me around and will probably look for someone else as soon as I'm gone." She said and he chuckled as he shook his head.

"You have no idea how this works!" Tao teased and ruffled her hair with a grin on his face. "Huh? What do you mean?" Hyeri muttered in question. Tao sighed and his grin turned to a frown. "When we find the girl meant for us, we won't go looking for another. To Chanyeol, you're his only one."


"Chanyeol.." Hyeri stared down at the floor as she stood in front of him, with a guy by her side. Just like she had done. "I-" She paused for a moment before continuing as she lifted her head to look at him.

"I am sorry." Hyeri tells Chanyeol then looked over to the guy for a moment, then looked back to me and sighed. "I love someone else. Sorry."

"No!" Chanyeol shot up in bed, gasping for air as he looked to the other side of the bed and saw it empty. "Hyeri?" He looked around the room but saw nothing in the shadows of moonlit room.

"Hyeri?!" He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to check if she was inside. Nothing. Chanyeol than ran to the door then dashed out and down the stairs. "Hyeri?!" He called out for her again as he went into the kitchen but only saw Tao eating out of a box of cereal.

"Wufs fup?" Tao muttered between his chewing. "Where's Hyeri?!" Chanyeol was already freaking out. The bond and his new found feelings had made him attached to her within the short time.

"Hyfri? Lifing froom." Tao tells Chanyeol as he continued stuffing his face. Chanyeol left him to it and rushed to the living room, only to see his mate at the windowsill leaning her head against the window.

"What the hell are you doing awake and down here?" Chanyeol asked her at her as he made his way to his mate. His wolf was upset that she had been missing and made them both freak out. Hyeri turned her head to look at him and just smiled.

I hate it when she did that when she knew I was not happy. It was one of my weaknesses lately. Chanyeol thought to himself.

"I couldn't sleep.." Hyeri muttered and he sighed but nodded as he went to sit beside her. "You could have woken me up." Chanyeol tells her but she just shrugged her shoulders and looked back out the window. "You looked tired." Hyeri muttered as she stared in silence at the snow outside.

Chanyeol glanced at her sleeping clothes and sighed with a small growl as he sat back against the thick wall of the windowsill frame. "You should be wearing a sweater or at least a robe. It's cold even just sitting by the window." He tells her while grabbing her arm gently and pulled her to him.

"You should try to rest." Chanyeol muttered as he laid his chin on her shoulder. "I can't." She muttered as she leaned back closer, and he took the opportunity to wrap an around her and hugged her. "Try again." He whispered as he traced her hand with his fingers.

"I'm not tired." Hyeri tells him as she yawned and he couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was being at that moment. "Really?" Chanyeol asked and she nodded but yawned again.

"Rest." Chanyeol whispered into Hyeri's ear just before kissing her cheek and turning his attention to the snow falling outside the window. It didn't take long until she was fully asleep and it made him smile, knowing that he had helped his mate to fall asleep.

"Is she finally asleep?" Chanyeol heard Tao ask and turned his head to where his friend stood, by the entrance to the living room. "Shh." Chanyeol tells him and Tao nodded.

"She's been up since before me. I woke up an hour ago.. Then I got hungry." Tao tells him; and Chanyeol nodded. "You know she can't stay unless her family at least knows where she is." Tao reminds him; which only made Chanyeol's wolf upset and growl at him.

Tao quickly held his hands up in surrender. "I'm only stating facts. Suho hyung says it's best she goes home and secretly keep our eyes on her. For safety reasons. At least until you decide to do something. You know, like- tell her what we are." Tao tells him.

Do something. Yeah, easy for them to say! Chanyeol grumbled in his head to himself.

"I will. But I just don't think now is the right time." Chanyeol told Tao and he nodded. "She's your mate and we're just here to support you." Tao reminds Chanyeol then grinned. "Unless you do something stupid." Tao teased just before dashing off to the safety of his room.


I'm still loving the cute moments of Chanyeol & Hyeri...

Don't forget to follow me on IG ( @ crimsintea ) if you want to continue reading the unfinished stories that I have written.

I will be posting on IG the quickest but I will also put them wattpad ( @ crimsinfics )

If you got questions >>> tellonym @ crimsintea

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