A. Hamilton

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John was the most adorable person ever, especially when he laughed. I couldn't contain how much I adored him because he kept catching me staring at him and looking away quickly. He would always giggle and it would kill me even more.

This was the most irrational decision I had made in my life. I mean, I had only met him a few days before but I was fawning over him like a small schoolgirl. I had completely forgotten about Eliza until I received a text from her.

CinnamonRoll: Hi, Alexander. Would you like to hang out later?

Nonstop: I'm sorry, I can't. I'm spending the day with John.

CinnamonRoll: Please! I promise it'll be fun!

Nonstop: Fine, just give me a while. Can John come?

CinnamonRoll: Sure

I looked at John and poked him in the side. He giggled and looked up at me.

"Do you want to go somewhere with Eliza and I later?" I asked him.

"Ugh, no." He replied, rolling his eyes.

He didn't seem to like Eliza very much

"Come on, please." I begged.

"Nope." He stated plainly.

"Fine. We'll just go without you."


I smirked and pounced on him, tickling his sides. He giggled and laughed like a little kid.

"Alexander!" he screamed.

"Shh, if you keep screaming my name people will think we're doing bad things."

He blushed and pushed me off of him.

"You have a horribly dirty mind, Alexander."

"Nah, I just wasn't sheltered as a child. I saw and heard some pretty messed up stuff."

"I mean, I wasn't exactly sheltered either. Or, well, I was. But, I kind of fought the sheltering. That didn't exactly work out too well though."

He kind of looked off to the side and frowned.

"John, are you okay?" I asked.

"No. But, just, can you go out with Eliza now? I just need to think for a while."

"Um, alright. If you need to talk, I'm here though."

"No, I'm fine Alexander. You don't need to worry about me."

I gave him a small smile and kissed him on his cheek before texting Eliza and leaving the apartment. Eliza arrived about five minutes later and we drove to the mall in her car.

We went into a bunch of clothing stores and she tried on a few dresses and kept on asking me if the dresses were cute or not and I had no idea about fashion so I just told her yes on all of them. We got some food and ate outside. I would have preferred to stay home and watch John's adorable face but he seemed like he needed some time to himself.

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