J. Laurens

959 28 18

They put the mask on me and told me to count back from ten. I drifted off... or at least I wish I did.

As they pushed me into the room I felt like I was asleep but for some reason I could still hear the people in the room talking. I knew that wasn't supposed to happen so I went to tell them I wasn't fully knocked out but I couldn't. I suddenly felt the buzzing of an electric razor and I freaked. I was going to be bald and then they were going to freaking CUT INTO MY HEAD and I was going to feel all of it! I had heard of things like that happening but I didn't think it could happen to me!

I tried as hard as I could to scream for help but it wasn't working. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. Thy were going in. The pain was so intense! I could barely handle it. On the inside I was screaming and crying but nothing would
happen on the outside. I heard one of the nurses finally yell that my brain waves were going crazy and that I was most likely not completely under but I couldn't handle the pain anymore and suddenly blacked out.

Author's note

Sorry that was so short but it develops the rest of the plot really well and I didn't want to dwindle on at that part for too long.

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