Chapter 5

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My readers, I am so sorry I didn't' update on time! If you can find where I live, I give you full permission to slap me across the face! Thanks so much for sticking with the story, these next two chapters will either kill you or make you cry tears of joy!

Enjoy! "The power is in me and I don't want to let go. It feels better than pain."



"I have to leave," I say loudly. I quickly stand up from my chair and half run out of the room. I practically sprint back to my chambers, desperately needing a bathroom. I manage to unlock my door at a new record speed, and dive into the bathroom. Retching up every last bit food I had ate for breakfast, I begin to cry. I scream in anger. He knows everything. He knows there are infiltrators in the palace, and he knows about Cal and I. He's coming to take me again, I might as well say this is my death sentence. I continue to scream, and begin to leach all of the electricity from my room, then from the hallway, then from the wing. Maybe I took out the entire palace's energy. It feels good to be in control of one thing, when there is absolutely nothing else you can control in this world.

After a while, I stop screaming, sure that enough people have heard my agony. Plenty of people have heard my screaming, I'm sure. But everyone who heard the sound is too afraid to come check on me. I sit on my bathroom floor in silence, staring at the door, thinking. Although I'm in a haze, I thought I heard a voice over an intercom say they would pay anyone a large amount of money if they checked to make sure I hadn't killed myself yet. No one ever came. I later find myself wandering towards my bed, peeling off the covers and sinking into them. The fine silk sheets feel nice against my bare arms.

A few hours later, while I'm still laying in bed, the power flickers back on. I scowl at the light bulb, using my electricity to overload and pop the bulb. I do the same with as many as I can feel in the hallways, and in other rooms. I then decide to completely short the power out all around the palace. If I have no light in my life why should they? If it took the palace staff a few hours to regain power from my first outage, it'll take days for them to regain this one. I walk out to my second-floor balcony, peering down at the soldiers training. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Farley, making wild hand gestures at no one in particular, continuing to offer gifts and money to anyone who checks on me. All of the soldiers pretend to not notice, they're scared of me.

I see one soldier walk up to Farley, and rip the letter out of her hands. They quickly read the message and then sprint away. I wonder who it was. Maybe Kilorn or Cameron.


A few minutes later, I hear pounding on my door. Trying to scare them off, I flicker the bulb right outside my door, if it hasn't popped yet. If it had popped, sparks are flying out of the socket.

To no avail, they continue to knock. I send a spark at the door, not enough to kill, but enough to go unconscious or at least scare them.

Then the doorknob begins to melt. Cal. I look up at the doorway, just in time to see him burst through. He comes straight towards me and cups my tear stained cheeks.

"We won't let him take you, I promise," he breathes.

"You can't promise that," I say angrily.

"Look at me," he says pushing my chin up. "We defended Corvium, if we can defend an entire city, I think we can defend a single person."

"A bullet can kill a single person, but not a city. You know he has moles here, don't you? One of them could just pull me into a closet someday and kill me." I state quietly, with wide eyes.

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