Chapter 19

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Hey everyone! I'm super sorry I haven't updated in so many days, but as many of you know, I broke my collarbone, and had to get surgery on Wednesday! But as of today, I'm feeling a lot better, and might even try to update again tomorrow! This chapter exceeds 1800 words, and I hope you all enjoy! As always, it means so much to me when you star my chapters, and comment about what you do and don't like!

Enjoy! "No one is born evil, just like no one is born alone. They become that way, through choice and circumstance."



"What time do the scientists leave?" I ask Ella, who closes her eyelids, thinking.

"I'd guess nine," she confirms. "Although I don't have much of a concept for time, but I heard one of my doctors yell to another for the time once. The other replied with seven, and then with my lousy calculations, they left about two hours later. Then everything goes dark and becomes unconditionally silent," Ella whispers her last sentence, drawing her knees up to her chest.

"I'll sneak in at ten- thirty, just to be safe."

"That's when we get to the interesting slash complicated part," she remarks, skeptical of my plan. "How are you going to get a keycard to get back in here? All the scientists in this facility keep their cards in their breast pockets to prevent pickpocketing. And there's no way," Ella continues, emphasizing the no. "that you could knock one of those scientists unconscious without anyone noticing."

"I told you I have a plan. I admit it's a bad plan, and it could go terribly wrong, but it's the only idea I've come up with."

"Go on," Ella tells me, worriedly, as she drags a hand through her non- existent hair.

Taking a gulp of air, I state my plan. "I bet there's one other person in this palace that has access to this wing. The king must have access to this wing, don't you think?"

"Oh, I'm sure he does Mare. And I can already see where this is going," Ella explains, eyeing me. "You shouldn't risk your life for me, we need more time to concoct a plan."

"Didn't you hear the doctors? A few more doses of that serum and your powers are as good as gone. We don't know anything about their research here, whether the cure can restore your powers once they're entirely gone. We need to act now before they can cause more damage than they already have. And anyway, you aided my escape from the palace once, I need to do the same for you."

Ella begins to tear up at my speech, and then breaks out into heavy sobbing. "You have no idea what they've done to me. Inject me with vial after vial of that poison, laughed at my futile attempts to escape, and shaved every strand of my bright blue hair," she vociferates, hauntedly.

"I will never be able to say it too many times. I'm so sorry. And I know you are in no state to listen to my plan right now, but I need to finish explaining it," I tell Ella as gently as possible. "Tonight Maven and I will have dinner, he has already requested it. Stealing the key card will be hard, considering he doesn't trust me, as he shouldn't. But Maven is so, so desperate for my acceptance of him, he won't think twice when I do. I'm going to admit something I've never wanted to admit, and do something that the depths of my heart still wish was possible. I'm going to kiss him, passionately," I state, simultaneously swallowing a bit of vomit that came up while I spoke. "The kiss will let his guard down long enough for me to search his pockets, and poach his card."

"This all happens assuming he has his key card and doesn't catch on to what you're doing," she says, still pessimistic.

"I know. But like I said, it's my only idea."

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