Exit the Ruins

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Frisks P.O.V

I look around with a strange sense of dejavu, I was in a round building, surrounded by grave stones. Everything felt strange....

I walk onwards to find a patch of golden flowers. Within the patch stood a lone flower. It was completely white, as if all the colour had drained from the plant.

Something about the flower startles me. It had eyes, they were studying me closely, quietly. Familiar....

"U-um. Hello there little flower" I stammer as I crouch to see it better.

"Greetings Fallen Angel" the flower bows gracefully, "I am Flowey. Flowey the Flower" they introduce themselves to me warily, watching my every move. My mind was screaming at me, desperately trying to remember.

"Oh. How rude of me. I'm Frisk! Frisk the Angel" I hold out my hand to shake Floweys, that's when I realise that they're a flower. No hands. Despite that, a vine curls around my hand and shakes it.

"Well Frisk. I should probably tell you how it works down here" Flowey sighs, pointing up at the sky. "We demons lost in a war and got sealed beneath that cloudline waaaaay up there" Flowey begins as, unbeknownst to myself, vines slither towards me from all directions.

"Now we demons found out that there was a way to purify this corrupted land we were trapped in. Can you guess what it is?" Flowey smiles, my hair rises in sudden fear. I notice the vines wrapping around my wings and body. I had just about died literally a few minutes ago, now it's happening again.

"Struggle all you want, Angel. One way or another, we'll get your soul. You see. In this world, it's Fight or take Flight. And you can't fly down here. Like a sitting duck!" Flowey cackles as their vines tighten around my body, squeezing the life out of me. "This is the merciful way to go wee Angel" I hear Floweys muffled voice. My vision was blurry again. I see a light fill my vision. Was I dead?

I hear laughter echoing all around me, and then it disappears. I look up, seeing my body walking away from me. I struggle to get free of.... the ground?!

"H-Hey! Waiiit! What's happening! Come baaack!" I yell, noticing my vine like appendages.


I start to really freak out, trying to to literally anything. I suddenly shift along the vines around me. With magic? However I did it, I keep doing it, following my body.

As I slip through the ruins, I pass large piles of dust, wondering what they were. There really were a lot, I don't know why I felt sad.

I come across a quaint little home in the ruins, seeing my body going inside, being invited in by a familiar Goat woman.

I peek inside the home, curious as to her identity, but couldn't go any further due to lack of vines inside the house. I note that there's mazes of vines underground, so I slip along them, trying to find a good exiting point.

There really were a lot of vines down here, I was so confused on where to go, I swear I go through the same vines every now and again.

I finally find an exit point, noticing my body hugging that familiar goat woman. I hear this sick noise.

"At my weakest moment....." the Goat Woman groans, parts of her body turning into dust.

"Of course mother dearest~ What'd you expect?" My body laughs uncontrollably. The Goat woman looked horrified.

"Chara?" She asks with a questioning look. My body nods, kissing Toriels forehead. Then returning back to the house. I hide in the shadows as I notice their sickening grin.

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